Enzyme - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
Word class:


Theoretically a person's health in China, people's health is actually two systems: enzymes and currents. The Enzymes it needs most is nutrition, in general is the Chinese call them medicine, but medicine is not necessarily valid for the enzyme. Antibiotics, enzymes all bad for the human body, in particular, will have a serious lack of enzymes. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory agent in combination with western medicine together, so 20 years ago the world WHO has released a lot of antipyretic agents with anti-inflammatory agents cannot be used, prone to sepsis, septicemia prone Why? Because the damage to the enzyme, is hurt to the protection of our white blood cells to protect all of our things are in enzymes. Not just when it needs to digest food enzymes used.

Master of Yi-Kwei Chen said anything has its enzymes, because there are enzymes will produce a lot of hormones, including adrenaline, deputy adrenal hormones, and any of the human body to produce hormones necessary to use hormones. So do us harm is the biggest antipyretics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory agents, in addition to that hormone.

All of our Western medicine to the last minute with hormones, like steroids. Women to the menopause last resort when it is used the female hormone, estrogen use it has a lot of regulations, why the female hormones may be insufficient? Insufficient time will have osteoporosis; it is an enzyme with the current. Because we are biased in favor of food starches, starches think this child is a vegetarian, so the heart will be quiet. You have to know what you eat starch to produce good heat when you need enzyme, called amylase, to break it down, break out of only glucose only. Glucose have a lot of different enzymes, it can be combined into anything glucose group. If we minerals, zinc if no other enzymes to help when we zinc is toxic. You cannot say that just to zinc, zinc food will be poisoned, it must be some kind of enzyme, the glucose in combination with zinc, combined into a single application of our body, in our eyes which application is very good effect, called glucose mineral zinc, will generation, this must be some enzymes.
