Minerals - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
Word class:


In class Master of Yi-Kwei Chen talked about minerals, we are now a lot of nutritionists say is very simple, the body needs manganese to buy and eat like manganese, Master of Yi-Kwei Chen said it was not so simple, before sensation incredibly, there is a product called glucosamine, how good this pain, but not everyone ate, the effects were very good, and why? You do not have this constitution. This thing is the lack of local pain arising from the muscles that are valid.

A lot of people talk about what to eat before the conflict, which is due to ignorance of food minerals, again our family education often wrong, what to eat ginseng and complement things absolutely can not eat spinach, this is wrong. Then its theory there? In the spinach, which has a plant base, ammonia indeed some amino acids are acidic, after the plant alkaloid combination with so little acid that you want, amino acids may lose function. But only a little bit does not work, you call people not to eat everything, which are unworthy, which is Taiwan's health education big mistake. Again a very big mistake not eats bad stomach hard rice, porridge sucks eat, eat more bad results.

Master of Yi-Kwei Chen said he had a friend and relatives, bleeding thirty years ago, all the relatives and friends called him not to eat hard. There were two well-known brand called Red Bull brand milk powder, and the other is OAK. The whole bag to his house, he thinks of the stomach is not good, a little thin foam milk, a tablespoon of bubble pot, ate two days down, he said I had to drink milk Why strange body still so true, this is Taiwan people's education.
