Food and Wealth - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
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Food and Wealth

Wealth generated by soil account for a very important factor, Master of Yi-Kwei Chen said in class that he had lived for a year in Siluo found in the village, an old house, Lincuo, Liao house, of which Liao most money. Well, this region produced Korea bun, including chives is the best in the world to eat, it is because soil moisture include the entire climate. Loach Yuanlin area to keep the soil Muscovy duck that lays eggs, but no yolk only, it is because it is itself out of the DNA hybridization change would have no ovaries, but it lays eggs.

Master of Yi-Kwei said no previous study amino acids vitamins, before entering medical school studies. Pingtung because of the relationship between climate, soil with water quality, it will have a very famous wax apple. But after Master of the results of Yi-Kwei Chen observed, like wax apple and eat a lot of people are poor, because at that time most people eat wax apple civil servants, civil servants used to be the poorest, but people do not really Gaoqian eat wax apple. Vale went over this, Tamsui here no wax, wax apple on the side of Bali that produce a lot of the poor over there. Many years ago fresh water on this side of the economy with a hundred times in eight poor, so there Ferry Bali there to buy fresh clothes, shoes, Pali there rich wax apple, so you do not seed doorstep wax apple, eat a wax apple you poor. But some people living in Pingtung species wax apple make a lot of money, it is because the kind of people do not eat there.

TSC employees earn a lot of money, but people who are poor like candy, TSC's employees do not sugar, because it is a look at the process of the sugar so dirty killed not dare to eat; And why tea human stomach pain is not easy ? Cus tea. Because before tea to their feet to step on the feet did not dare to step on it and killed tea. Shows you to a place where you eat the local stuff then you poorer. Medlar is called Gan Qi Gansu come, poor place to come. Richer Huaihe River Basin, of course, eat yam. Korea you see more poor, you eat ginseng sharpen poor. Of course, wealthy Americans eat ginseng, must eat something rich mineral soil, before a lot of people in support of ostrich meat, you have to ask Master of Yi-Kwei Chen eat, Master of Yi-Kwei Chen said he does not eat, eat on certain To steak, because it feeds produced there is of course rich place. I do not know is Master of Yi-Kwei Chen talked about or have sensed, after eating a few ostrich, the business can not do it all, stocks are stuck, and now people are raising ostriches deficit mess. So one day camel meat, do not eat, eat will eat mutton, and why? Local rich people have money is a big flock. So we poor people eat sweet potatoes before sign, eat poor.

How do will become rich? 1, the general amino acid under rich conditions should be sufficient, 2, folic acid, vitamin B group which is very important. Physiologically always considered throughout the entire process of evolution among nuclei, it is a very important nutrient, but the poor Why folic acid will not eat so much, the last Master of Yi-Kwei Chen found that poor people would province, plus a section inspection. The more thrifty people poorer, and why? Folic acid can not eat. Not eating cooked food, the next meal reheat a hot, reheat over folic acid will destroy; wealthy people now cook, eat drained, there is new now cook the next meal, are folic acid, so a spinach well-known restaurant to go there to eat people eat more rich, and why? Fried vegetables when it understands to put some containing potassium, to fry with oil, water and potassium down, the rate of low floated ran home side fry, but could not bear to put the oil, the oil and put too much Too much cholesterol in fear at home never use low sodium cooking. If u dare to borrow money for six years that restaurant to eat spinach, after six years as long as a year to earn enough money to also borrowed money.
