Nutrition and money - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
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Nutrition and money

Master of Yi-Kwei Chen in class, and stressed the need to make money must follow the Western model: 1, to health, 2, to knowledgeable, 3, you want to stand out and be with other people in different places. In the nineteenth century the British economy to dominate the world, because it relies on the industrial revolution. Their country who are working to develop the steam engine, Watt invented the steam generated when after the Industrial Revolution, a large number of coal mining. After a steam engine invention can be manufactured ships, trains, vehicles entire change, all activity rates has produced very big change, so the British would dominate the world; and finally the ship open to China, the White Lotus mantra draw characters are not used, Port trade all open, you can directly pass to Sichuan, so the United States in 1865 by the Congress all the assistants, a total of eight years of research, it was found to have a lot of money, this country will prosper, but the money to how what? Put the economy in many countries around the world used to study, from the thirteenth century economy is how the Roman Empire began to thrive, it must be very positive found in humans.

Roman Empire thrive was incredible, it was then occupied territory in the world are now US forces larger than, later found to make money, then we must be positive, we must strive to science and technology, so the back of printing money "money is to accepting God's commissioned effort to operate. " But you have to help others, you have to be very healthy, so to 1923 they issued an activity called health movement, in addition to sporting events everyone should exercise. Be very nutritious breakfast, so breakfast high-level intellectuals are two eggs, two slices of ham, two slices of cheese, a glass of orange, a cup of milk, a vitamin again, so they must have inside of Chain Store There are vitamins in the United States, each area in North America including the real economic power, to now, their laws allowing supermarkets put vitamins and can be traded freely.

1934 Chiang Kai-shek launched the New Life Movement, is the United States affected by this. At that time the New Life Movement is health movement just teach people to clean up in the morning, clean up around the ditch, but did not teach people to eat eggs, because the culture by the early transfer came two eggs a day to eat at the time was not People eat from, not to mention vitamins, then, is as vitamin drugs, this is what we started to become sick man of Asia.

Figure eight so in fact has nothing to do with money; Figure eight inside him no money, but there are hundreds of millions of his property; there are relatively Figure eight money, a lot of people have no money, so use Figure eight to Look there is no money, it is sometimes guess would be very accurate, so use Figure eight to guess the other side there is no money very difficult.

Master of Yi-Kwei Chen tell you, do not use Figure eight to decide you will not have money, or decide other people have no money; money mode must be healthy, to understand the method, know how to promote themselves, but you have to have something you can promote themselves, what to eat meat a lot of money will be? What meat can not, it depends on what kind of work you have to do. If you are writing articles screenwriter, is to use the brain, it is better to eat pork, Chinese writer of the article as well written; if there is like a Western-style plan of money and technology, it should eat beef. If you are engaged in religion with God with ghosts, I want someone to support it, to eat mutton. To want to be a politician, then you need to eat chicken, according to our statistics, the results of this, seems to be correct.
