Blood pressure - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
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Blood pressure

The late Mr. Sun Yun-suan has done a slogan blood pressure every day, early prevention with treatment. Do you think blood pressure blood pressure can solve the problem? No way. 75-90 now standard blood pressure, low blood pressure that we called in medical terms we called the diastolic blood pressure; reduced diastolic pressure 120-135, if 75 hereinafter referred to as hypotension, low blood pressure when general 1. headache .2 Action unhappy .3 palpitations ..4 jealous suspicion, hypotension, men and women are not optimistic pessimist, or a skeptic, how to get rid of low blood pressure, eat kelp, lean meat, carrots ..., hypotension People sometimes itchy ears, often no way to hear what people talk very clearly, or sometimes hear voices, all voices are incredibly sensitive, so be sure to add potatoes, why eat half of it? Master of Yi-Kwei Chen said that our physiological state use by diet have an effect, must be three to six months, the diet must take our physiological function completely reborn, restored or converted to another physiological cycle, Standard cell cycle is generally about 120 days to 180 days, and our red blood pigment is the same, we have to use a longer period to make a decision, so with 180 days.

Western medicine also, but to slowly increase the blood pressure is too low, there are a lot of people do not want to eat western medicine, because they did not eat after the increase down, so really, into the drug should eat every day, we believe that the risk of hypertension, tell between you hypotension with hypertension often sometimes more dangerous than high blood pressure, low blood pressure have a big disadvantage, often weakened memory, most people do not have to treat blood pressure, do not use it to treat symptoms.

Hypotension typically 90-100 when called a transition period, some cholesterol, blood fats are normal but the amount of them is more than 100 low blood pressure, this is called spontaneity, if hypertension physiological phenomenon produced is blood fat cholesterol problems, This must be a food hypertension problems. High blood pressure there will be three distinct symptoms: headache, neck hurts very tight, personality will hurry, and sometimes heart beats fast. If time is generally slightly higher blood fat and produce this hypertension, often heart one minute at about 100, the doctor probably will think this is not normal, if the spontaneously hypertensive heart is between 80-90, no heart any disease, doctors will tell us that the food intake of sodium to reduce them, otherwise we should eat a lot of fruit. Fruit can not sprinkle salt, because the fruit potassium, and nutritious crowding effect on the human body, if your high sodium, potassium when sodium will be present on the body, the body of water will not produce exhaust, then the cell is full When a lot of water, we must require a lot of oxygen, this time going great stress on the heart with oxygen to the blood into the cells, so many doctors believe it is spontaneously hypertensive, I would recommend that you eat a lot of fruit.
