Liver problems - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
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Liver problems

Cirrhosis is although not like cancer will die immediately, but cirrhosis is terrible. After the cirrhosis, blood vessels will unable to deliver nutrients to the liver, the liver which can not produce enzymes and hormones available to utilize our body. If you just hardened in liver transport zone, then we have no appetite to eat any food, prone to ascites, although people will move, in good spirits, but no nutrition, no activity function, you can not always drips while also working, Master of Yi-Kwei Chen recommendations should eat yeast.

Master of Yi-Kwei Chen has always stressed, do not eat leftovers; Why are so many Taiwanese cirrhosis, is to eat the rest of it; there is a whole food is rotting process, relying on the refrigerator like; do not believe in beverages, believe own bubble tea is like, tell you that cirrhosis of the liver is also very likely to happen, because the food is absolutely relationship with the liver. So we say we want to eat something very clean, it will not have liver disease, which is wrong, is not to eat the wrong things.

Food is not only heat energy, will produce fatty liver. Only when no nutritional energy, such as cola but only sugar, sugar is sweet only calories only, no nutritional value, so cola drink, get fatty liver, hepatitis was afraid after a hepatitis heavy use of antibiotics is necessary, so it is easy to liver sclerosis, so that there is a lot of people have fatty liver examination, to persuade him not to eat sweet foods like, do not eat sugar, wine, do not drink, do not eat the grass family food; try to eat meat with green vegetables and natural vitamins, should be more than six months will be completely normal.

When fatty liver hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver after it is easy, particularly hepatitis B with the original person, liver problems should never eat fried, fried, no matter what, especially those with fatty liver.
