Fate and Food 庚 Metal - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
Word class:

Fate and Food 庚 Metal

 (Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

Pig intestine on behalf of Geng Metal, pomark small intestine on behalf of fire, but some people are afraid to eat oil because it will be fat, when cleaning the pig intestine and small intestine they peeled fat clean boil into four herbs soup (Sishen Tang), this will taste poorly, and fat is a very important thing. The evolution of mankind itself and the development of economy and science rely on it. Oil types are animal, plant and mineral; mineral oil, if used well, you have the ability to make a big buck, like the United States to fight the oil war to maintain the status of the world's most powerful, is the mineral oil. 

There are advanced countries study in vegetable oil how to maintain health, another advanced country is to make big profits with vegetable oil. Coconut oil among plant oils is now strongly touted, if observ coconut oil, the coconut oil eating area, do you think they are rich or poor? In the top teppanyaki fried beef with coconut oil, someone asked me to eat iron beef, I asked them switch to animal-based cream-fried beef that was also saturated with fatty acids. 

Troubled times in order to survive 

In a social environment that can not be peaceful, we must strive to be happy, live healthy and live richly in disharmony. I should not go to worship God, do not go to fortune-telling, nor will I ask which God to cause the God depends on me not go to be supported by us, I can not afford to feed my father's mouth, but also need to raise a few gods, of course, too much. It has basic patterns and principles of survival for every life on this planet, but in the end you are eaten when you live in a certain place and live a very good life. Plant-based proteins like hairy-weed are better than egg yolks, it is the best food for vegetarians. There are many Taiwanese vegetarians who are in great need of dried vetiver (hairy-weed). Fifty years ago the mainland fought for money and digged this vegetables. The hairy plants are grow next to the desert and protect the surface soil had now dug into extinction and has also caused environmental damage. The occurrence of sandstorms has also become the norm since then, and it is strange to say that sandstorms specifically fly to Taiwan, Japan and South Korea where they eat hairy-weed dishes the most. 

Heavenly stem and food 

is the gallbladder, it is now difficult to get, if you need to use it can change to liver, liver 150 grams plus green onion white parts boiled, eat for breakfast, seasoning can add salt, a lot of salt, some asked what kind of salt is the best - eat your favorite salt, do not force yourself, when do you want to force yourself? When you are painful, when you are poor, only to force yourself. But you are very poor have to calmly face yourself , I need do for my proper needs with my skills, my academic, that is why others pay for me. 

You do not want to be bad guy also, you get paid, you're not guilty, why? He owed you three million in past life, and now he wants to give you three million and you do not want to be guilty, you harm him has been owed you money, so let it be. 

Some people are very repugnant to eat pig liver, pigs used antibiotics, toxins are accumulated in the liver, eat this pig liver is not eating a lot of poison? Response to this question, I said something like:" A pig can be alive and killed with a weight of more than 100 kilograms. The whole liver can have only two or three kilos weight. You only eat 150 grams of pigs how can the liver poison you? "This is my logic. Liver has no oil, I have advocated eating a little oil, buy more three fat layer meat to eat, not a lot, you can not eat more. Some people have a very weak stomach can not eat too much oil, which is too little secretion of gastric lipase, so put less fat pork. 

Someone once asked me eat this for a long time? and I said, "Do not eat it if you do not want to live." Because people think that it is natural to breathe the air, it is not the case, breathing air is looking for good fresh air. Eat the same liver, eat pig liver for a long time so that your career success and good health, etc., and once successful, forget to continue to eat it, do not eat for a long while the old problems will emerge again, so we should continue to eat it. Someone asked which half of pig liver is better? Pig liver has three, one of the largest is specifically for storing glycogen, when we are hungry we need blood glucose, liver will secrete liver glycogen, we will not be dizzy, the average hungry dizziness is the release of liver blood glucose is not normal. The liver lobe produces enzymes, and we need 600 to 800 of the enzymes available from here. The smallest piece of liver and very close to gallbladder  is for detoxification. Which part you like buy that to eat just fine, I do not encourage to eat only a certain area. 

Stem on behalf of the kidney, people who need eat one pig kidney a day, cook with ginger or morning glory,  swallow 5 grams is to solve the immediate problem,if it is urgent, after the problem is solved, we must stop. 

Heavenly stem on behalf of the bladder, people who need use two pairs pig tripe boil with four herbs soup-Sizhe Tang (Poria, Gorgon, lotus seeds, yam) for dinner, the so-called pair is including the surrounding subsidiary, it has different male or female pair, the female pair of the subsidiary organs is relatively large, the male is relatively small. Sishen Tang dinner can not finish, keep it for night snack or lunch, remember be sure to supply vitamins. Everyone said that Chinese medicine is very good and that when it comes to Chinese medicine, the last payment of money is more than eating vitamins, and is not good. Why does not? Because certain ingredients of traditional Chinese medicines can not be used without the presence of certain vitamins to be absorb. 

In 1963 there was a milk powder in Taiwan called XX, which was cheap for the poor, and after about eight months, the baby developed cramps when catch a cold. According to a study published in foreign countries, cramping was cause by mine Substance Magnesium and Vitamin B6 deficiency. 

H. D. M. Y

癸 辛 

未 戌

10 years luck cycle

87 77 67 57 47 37

甲 乙 丙 丁 戊 己 

申 酉 戌 亥 子 丑 

This is a 45-year-old man. I repeatedly talk about our teaching methods and their methods of transportation. It is very simple. The author of this poetic handbook did not have a name. At that time, his purpose was that people could understand it and did not want to protect DaMing(Ming dynasty), he just wanted to know to what extent a successful person can reach. He generally read the character is to see day stem and monthly branch, look at this can understand whether or not such person is useable. 

Now, if you look at the born in month at page 50, he will successful, it is very easily. 

month metal 

 “巳 month metal, ChangShen ( metal start from 巳)in 巳”

Because metal starting from 巳, wood starting from 亥·, water starting from , fire starting from 寅,and it was fixed. 

inside has .

This book was a secret, we copied and copied it to go down, here is just a Chi, this book does not use much of earth in 寅申巳亥, inside just a little Chi only.

“丙is not molten metal.” 

Because fire is the sun's fire, may I ask where the railroad tracks have been sun-melted? The most is due to high temperature expansion and bending it. 

So afraid of fire. can also be used. But first use water. Party is neutralized. Therefore, group metal starting from summer. Like GOuChen. Take earth. Support with fire, Have all of these three. High degree and rank.” 

Remember the words "But first water", you use the "first" just fine, do not have to go more just ignore other things, marry one is good enough, why two or three more? 

Let us look at the chart, 10 years luck cycle at age 57 has 丁亥(壬)lucky 丁亥 luck is instead , fire can raise the temperature to melt metal day stem, he is now 45-year-old, to 57 years old still have some time, just mentioned earth, from 47 luck cycle is 戊子, also good, set foundation now, next year is 丁卯, can use , just lack of water. Useful GuiChen is , at aged 47, this year is 45 years old, next year to lay the foundation, is also the foundation to shape his ecology, the Luck cycle to the has , will boom, then we use. Ren is the bladder, cook with Sishen Tang to express energy, eating is energy, like the car needs fuel, some to gasoline, some to diesel, different cars to different oils, different functions to be supplied different energy. SiShen Tang (four herbs soup) is Poria, Gorgon, lotus seeds, Chinese yam.  In the chart, 辛亥, has Hidden under it, his parents take care of him very much. 

H. D.  M.  Y

  丙  丙 

午 午    申

10 years luck cycle

89 79  69 59 49  39

丁 戊 己  庚 辛  壬 

亥 子 丑  寅 卯  辰 

See page 51, metal born in month. 

“ 申 month metal, extreme sharp. Dedicated fire for refining. Second with wood to lead . Therefore said. Autumn sharp metal are most surprising.” 

Wood here is , I have said before is just the food we eat, it must be wood, this is a amazing chart. 

“ 壬癸 meet always unfavorable. As wood and fire into the chart. Very longevity and world leader.” 

This chart is a bit pity, there is no real , if  have he will be a world-class leader, longevity and the world leader, I say the world leader is not necessarily refers specifically to political leaders, like the business community Celebrities also count. Without is more difficult. 

if have 丁甲 throughout.high rank. If have no, good looking. Have no . Ordinary people.” 

庚午and 壬午 all have hidden under, is good looking. She did not know fortune-telling. She should not go south for policy. Although is good for her,why not use wood leads to fire ? She already has fire,  why she still go south? Because South is 丙丁 fire. It should be declared eastward, taking the lead in wood. 

Just talked about day use , she has both , " 壬癸 should not meet, she did not has . Let's look at this year is , next year is , she will go lucky, she is most afraid of water, will create trouble for her. 

I've seen too many men and women in 壬午 day are the leaders. The women in 壬午 day thinks fast, moves fast, debate fast and reform coming fast. There is one who is going to lose weight to be a model when she is about 60. 

Next year is the year of . In fact, when it is very fierce to deliver the goods, the sunshine time will need to be longer and the sunshine time will take longer to extend. After March 21 next year, the real is about to start. 

I always emphasize that we just protect ourselves fine, no matter how the environment changes, the political aspect,  or economically, as long as you have a healthy body, a clear mind, advanced technology, including the absence of your existence they will die, then you exist. I want you to be healthy. There must be sacrifice and success in this universe. The two are in balance. You want to be the victim, and the other is the winner. vice versa. 
