Fate and Food 癸 water (2) - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
Word class:

Fate and Food 癸 water (2)

 (Dr. Chen Yi Kui 

H. D. M. Y

乙 己

亥 巳

81 71 61 51 41 31 21 11
甲 癸 壬 辛 庚 己 戊 丁
申 未 午 巳 辰 卯 寅 丑

Female 17 years old, born in month. in the handout page 73. 

water month. 

“ 癸 water month. Weak in strong.

Everyone says that the winter is the beginning of winter, why there is weakness in the water? Because is a longevity of wood, and 亥卯未 three combination, 維· is the vault of wood, wood weaken water, that is why weakness in the strong. 

Why so. Due to rocking wood. Disperse the soul.

Shake wood is the longevity, Eating God called weaken, if it is called hurting officer, because inside has wood’s longevity, is called divergent soul. 

Should be better with 庚辛.

Fortunately, her marriage palace contains stem, in the future she can have more than a few boyfriends, but only one husband. The real success of the plastic king is married palace, only one wife registration, rest of them none of the registration. 

This life plate is very amazing is that only one metal in the husband's palace, you might ask among the eight words which have a dozen of Heavenly Stems, with only one good word how good can it be? Only one is the best, the character inside with too many useful god, it turns out to be a inauspicious god. Everyone will go flight for it. This is the meaning of the so-called one mountain cannot have two tigers. If there were no two tigers, a cat is enough. This is a natural phenomenon. If the tiger is the master of the mountain , there is a group of tigers in it, no one will go to that mountain, and those who will go there are those who shot the tiger with a shotgun. 

The life of the party is messy will not make money, her mother should try to keep or father try to keep raising her until after her marriage, eyes have been watching until she find a good one to catch,  one is good enough. 

Treatment will be the supply metal, eat pig intestine SiShen Soup (lotus, Poria, Gorgon, yam), with the compound nicotine amine tablets, take three to six during the day and three to six at night, eating is no longer moody, will meet a very wide range of people. 

Life chart inside has many peer and robbery, like this pattern should leave birthplace for develop, if supply then do not have to leave their homes, do not be house girl, go take the MRT every day, because this woman choose man incredible sensitive. Many sensitive women choose either police or gangster. I see so many years in so many years, and some no good-looking women with rich man's son, four or five billion in family property, also love her to dead. 

According to this eating , when 41 years old, before the age of 41 there is no 辰戌丑未 cannot get the house, if there is a boyfriend, the boyfriend can not afford to buy a house either, wait until the age of 41 many houses you will have, luck cycle 庚辰 is 41 years old, luck cycle 辛巳 is 51 years old, in these two decades there are and , have the ability to support people. It is good to remember that there is one useful god is enough, like having a good president in a country is enough, no need to many. 

The character of the month is , is a hurting officer, rebel tendencies, if she has a lot of boyfriend, when the father or mother or sister do not keep the door key, she wants to lock then lock, she wants to open then open, It does not matter which boyfriend she changes, remember, boyfriend for her, the more the merrier, a lot of boyfriend at work can help her a lot.
