Yi Jing and Bu—divination (seven) The application of yin and yang five elements in time and space (4) - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
Word class:

Yi Jing and Bu—divination (seven) The application of yin and yang five elements in time and space (4)

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

The yin yang and five element of the space, the nature of the wood the yin yang is very different. The yang wood is a big tree, and the yin wood is a mossy grass. Don’t think that the yang wood can be replaced with the yin wood. Without the nature of the yang wood it is not useful, although there is also photosynthesis. The same roots and leaves will also bloom, and will also result, but the Jia Yi wood are different. The cycle of Yi wood is short and the length of the Jia wood is long. After the completion of one thing, Jia is over. Yi is finished with a lot of things to be successful.

Our teacher Chen, has saved a lot of people with medicine. His Hakka people have eaten a lot of antipyretic drugs. He once almost killed himself because he is kind, his day is Yi wood , it is short cycle, and he still recognize me on the hospital bed. If his day stem is Jia wood, he will die. After the explosion, he will be uprooted and lying there. How does the woodlive if lie there? The grass will grow out. This principle has not been studied. After the fire was burned, would it burn dead? Didn’t know, Jia wood would killed by a fire, California’s forest fire burned 23 times as big as Taipei, I called California, the Orange County Police Department had a Chinese his grandmother and I are very good friend. I asked how the weeds burned. She said that the grass burned. After the rain, the weeds sprouted again and the trees died. It was very obvious.

Because it is the last class, so we talk about such details, Bing is the sun, Ding is the light, temperature, Bing fire for the season, Ding fire for the temperature, the weak people at home to install the heating is healthy, do not have to be frozen outside, Bing fire to see Solar terms. Why did Xi Jinping lead? It is Ding You Day, Bing Wu month, Qui Si hour, Qui Si year, there is Bing fire in Si, and Ding fire in Wu, both fires have resources, the sun shines on Xi Jinping, and the solar energy in the afternoon is very strong. Very hot, no need to use heating, access to African countries are all heating, he is very strong, and he must be air-conditioned in the afternoon. He visits all countries in the world to use air-conditioning in summer, and he will not die in Beijing cold weather, so people is "fate".

However, Teacher Chen also had a wood in the day, and the Jia wood was burned, and the Yi wood was still alive. Because Teacher Chen is the Yi day, but there are two Jia wood, although burned, burned down, turned into a good, equal to fertilizer, if you open the farm, then there is fertilizer, do not think that your life is very bad. Teacher Chen’s time column is Dinghai, Dinghai’s warmth, your grandson, when your without your child, there is no way to warm up. You are the Yi-day. When you are cold, you can warm up with your children and grandchildren. So don't think that your life is so rough, your destiny is bound to have a way of life. When you go think about not wanting to die, you will be happy, in the snowy winter, take a rest and sleep, and sleep until the Ching Ming Festival. Yes, it’s good to wear short sleeves after winter.

The Wu soil is rocky soil, the Ji soil is rot soil, the Wu soil is gravel, not a nutritious soil, watering is useless. The artist makes landscaping on the soil with pebbles, and the Wu soil is landscaping. Use Ji soil if you have to grow a leek, you will grow amaranth. Ji earth person work on something will get that thing, no work no gain. The Wu people should looking for the people yo make them beautiful, like the landscaping is beautiful, you have to cultivate to be the one, who will put you where, the most beautiful.

Kaohsiung has a surnamed Zhang, and I said that you went to Hualien to study the stone. He is very obedient. He used the stone in the chemical to make the stone discolored, and then became a vase and sold it to Japan. He made a lot of money. After the earthquake in Hualien, he stop doing it. The vase will be reflective, and the lights of different wavelengths will reflect different light, reflecting silver light, blue light, and purple light.

Therefore, Wu it is necessary to find someone who will use rock and gravel to make you a work of art. Ji must work hard on your own soil, plant sesame seeds for sesame oil, grow peanuts for peanut oil, and plant what you will have. If don't work hard will be rotten soil.

Geng is steel, steel can make train tracks, build MRT track, can build Eiffel Tower, can build Hong Kong's 60-story building, can build the Empire State Building, including the White House, all with steel. Xin is a mercury glass, gold, foil, silver foil. If use it for building will fall. The gold and silver foil can only be attached to it. Why does the QuongTongBaojian say that Xin must have Bing fire? The sun shines and the gold will shine. Why is mercury with glass? It is a mirror, the sun shines on the mirror, you want the mirror, you want to shine, your light up the light, very obvious.

You have to look at whether the day is Geng or Xin, and there needs temperature to build rails on Geng, and what will happen if there is temperature, so need Ding Fire . What about Jia wood? Ding fire Jia wood has money. If you have money, you can live in a mansion. If you don’t have a decoration, it’s a cowshed. Life is so simple. Look at the day and month, and see what year you’re born. With a few words  already know. The use of hidden stem in branch content is reduced.

Japan has announced that the subway uses hydrogen fuel cells to generate electricity. I said that the earth's hydrogen electrolysis seawater has hydrogen. You don't have electricity or hydrogen, it's not a mistake, it changes the ecology. So why does the stem contained in the earth branch need to show up on the stem, this is want it meant.

The people of Geng Day are going to do big things, fortune telling is a trivial matter, and knowing fate is a trivial matter. The main thing is to create a life.

Qui is the water, mist, and dew in the air. It is usually metal enhance water. In fact, our houses have gold and steel bars, as well as steel bars on the floor.

This year is the year of Wuxu, the water of Wu against the water, Wu combine qui water, he is Qui water day, the car he drives is the royal blue, the car shell and the engine are gold, gold enhance water, although it is Wu year can't stop him.

The Ren water is hard and transparent, ice cubes, glass diamonds, etc. The problem comes. When grinding diamonds, it is necessary to have sunlight. Therefore, people who are Ren must have a Bing fire. If there is a sun, the diamond will shine, and the glass is the same. The crystal glass of the chandelier, the crystal chandelier inside the European court, must be lighted, so it is simple.

Since the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the people who used the Gua did not publish. The ZhuXi of the Song dynasty published the gua on the children of the princes when they lectured at Bailudong. In fact, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period) had it, and it was written in the Han Dynasty.

坤(☷ )乙癸
坎(☵ )戊
震(☳ )庚

In the Tang and Song Dynasties, there was no such thing of gua for Wu and Ji, so Najia became:


On the compass, the Ji Ren are fire, the Yi Qui are soil, the Ding is a soil, and no Wu Ji, Geng is fire, Xin is earth, Bing is fire.

Where does wood in compass come from? Qian Kun Gen Xun are wood, and the 24 mountains that are on the Luojing-compass are all changed. Every word changes, but there is no Wu Ji and the ground branch also changes. Chen Xu Chou Wei are metal, Zi Wu Mao You are fire.

China’s numerology is related to Gua , and life is related to Gua, yang and Yin house are also related to Gua.

Eight killing water, collect sand and water, in numerology. These teachers are experts. I am just the basic one. Can talk about basic gua, and also very complicated , in the lower half part of ZhouYi, Confucius’s the number of the syllabus first part of 12 articles, and the later part of 12 articles, many of his student wrote about it very much. Nothing was stated, whatever sated all Confucius;s said.

After the Han Dynasty, the treatment of the Yellow Emperor's internal medicine, including the prime question, was also expressed by gua. The acupuncture of Lingshu also used Gua to express the meridians and acupuncture points. The name of the acupuncture points was not expressed by gua, expressed by place names, the places during the ancient Chinese Spring and Autumn Period, so China itself is regarded as an animal. The three Yao represent the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Pearl River. The Yellow River is our mother river. Our ancestral river, you jump to the Yellow River and wash clean if you are in trouble, it is corruption, the Yellow River. It was corruption and corruption for five thousand years. Four months ago, CCTV reported that the Yellow River was clear. They can’t be corrupt now. Sure enough, Wang XX caught 15 secretaries and grabbed the central government. Now he caught the movie star and caught the money. Caught people, buy land abroad, buy buildings, buy everything, all ask you to sell and get the money back, yellow river water is clean, do not want you to greedy so much money, how is the Yellow River clear? Invest tens of billions of dollars to make a dam, high 152 meters, mud of the river is deposited under the dam, and the water above is clear and flows out.

In the future, we must unite in the turbid waters of Taiwan to clear, Taiwan is the battle between Zhangzhou and Quanzhou, Quanzhou fights with Chaozhou, Hakka and Minnan fight, Hakka is divided into many factions, the factions fight each other, will not unite, the provinces fight with the province, which provinces are outside the province united? Zhejiang people united, Huangpu Department united, to the Lee Teng Hui Village reconstruction building, the village can be bought and sold, the village rushed, talking about the unity of Taiwan's, turbid water stream have to be clear.
