Fruit and solar terms - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
Word class:

Fruit and solar terms

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

The output of the twenty-four-season fruit is as follows.
In the Zi month (December), there is a "citrus", and the citrus of Xinpu and Dongshi must be completed at the end of December.

The Chou month (January) has dates, which is different from the dates of the mainland.

Yin month (February) has a year of mandarin, there are many kinds of mandarins, such as barrels of citrus, sea pears, Chinese New Year in the month, so called the year mandarin.

There is a loquat in the month of the Mao month (March), the leaves are used in the Chuanbei loquat syrup and the leaves can be phlegm, but the weaker lung people include alcoholic and smokers who eat loquat and cough with leaves.

Chen month (April) has green plums and plums. After the Qingming period, there are plums in Chiayi Meishan to Tainan. You must have  sour, sweet plums. It is not easy to catch a cold after eating it. When I was taking classes on the National East Road, I sent a bucket of green plums to those who came to class. The prototype was called Qingmei. The plums that were rolled through the barrels were called plums. The barrels were hexahedrons, and they must be barrels. The hexahedron is the same as the six Yao in Gua.

In Chen month, there is a purple plum produced in California. If there is greenhouse production, there are two seasons a year. The plums that are seen now are grown in the greenhouse. They are sweet and big. There are two seasons. There is a season in the Ching Ming Festival. There are three seasons of seedless grapes in France, which were introduced from France to the United States. This kind of seedless grape that was imported a lot after the winter (November). It must adjust the temperature difference with the greenhouse. The same solar temperature difference is enough, and the water should be balanced. Nowadays, if many grapes are cultivated by hydroponic cultivation, the greenhouse must be used. The greenhouse should adjust the temperature. If the soil is replaced by water, all the minerals in the water will be ionized. The nitrogen fertilizer is 46-0-0 (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium), 46 is contained. 46% nitrogen, other excipients are carbon dioxide, excipients plus organic nitrogen, organic nitrogen is dissolved in water, the plants are cultivated organically, phosphorus is also ionized, potassium is also ionized, which is organic cultivation.

In the Si month(May), there are watermelon, pineapples, and the pineapples will be sour when the Wu month comes in.

In the Wu month (June), there are watermelons and cantaloupes, all of which are cucurbitaceae. Many of the cucumbers of the cucurbitaceae include the big cucumbers without the seeds. The cucumbers are the greenhouse cultivation of the cucurbitaceae. If you generate electricity yourself, don't need to add carbon dioxide to the greenhouse. If you use electricity to burn gas, there is carbon dioxide in the air. You don't have to buy carbon dioxide. Greenhouse cultivation must have carbon dioxide. Its content should be at least 30PPM up to 300PPM, a difference of ten times.

In the Wu month, there is also a lychee.

Wei month (July), the month is also the month of the cucurbitaceae, there are watermelon, cantaloupe.

Shen month (August), there are peaches in the mountains. At the end of August, there was grapefruit until Zhongqiu.

You month (September), there is grapefruit, the solar calendar is called Zhongqiu in September. The period of grapefruit is very long. There are Wendan pomelo and red pomelo. The production time is about one and a half months.

Xu month (October), there are persimmons, its production period is two months, began to come out in October, ever try dried persimmons? Bad persimmon sprinkled with powdered sugar, dried persimmon peeled and then sun, if it is roasted dry, there will be no white powder. The dried persimmon will have powder come out. This is the monosaccharide that is broken down by fructose. This kind of monosaccharide can also be eaten by diabetes. People with diabetes can't eat fruit that is too sweet, but this kind of powder that the persimmon is naturally decomposed can be eaten.

Hai month (November), there are persimmons, grapes in the greenhouse, papaya, papaya south of the Tropic of Cancer, the Tropic of Cancer in Chiayi, and Taitung custard apple, very sweet mature custard apple. Have you ever eaten? Don't eat too much, taste it, the custard apple s delicious. With my daughter, my wife, I only eat half a grain. I eat ripe soft custard apples with chopsticks and eat with a single pick one by one. The inner layer of the skin is scraped with a spoon.

The 12-month-old fruit is clearly explained, and the guava has it now. It is produced in the three months of Xu Hai Zi, and the guava of the YanZhao has been famous for 50 years. The dragon fruit depends on where it is produced. The QiGu in Tainan are all dragon fruit.
