Determining the structure of Wu earth (1) - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
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Determining the structure of Wu earth (1)

(Dr. Chen Yikui)


hour day month year

   庚    戊     癸   壬   

   申    寅     丑   寅

Luck cycle

82  72  62  52  42  32  22

 壬  辛  庚   己   戊  丁  丙  

 戌  酉  申   未   午  巳  辰

    Wu was born in Chou month. According to the traditional way, Chou is winter. Although Wu is not afraid of cold or heat, it is hard to say when it is cold. Think about it yourself, he is a person who is as stubborn as they know. In fact, the Bazi Japanese have used it for the Kamikaze team. The Kamikaze team uses two kinds of people, one must be blood type A, and the other must be Wu day. The emperor is a god, and you will die for the emperor. I think that the current terrorists learned from the Japanese. The plane only adds a fixed amount of fuel. When the plane goes out, he will not go home again. Knowing that he will not be able to return, he simply raises the plane and rushes towards the U.S. warship like a missile. At that time, the United States was really very, very headache with them.

    He just has a perseverance. He will not accept the command of others in the field he knows. As for how much he knows or not, his professional or unprofessional depends on his personality, Chou month has Ji Xin Gui, day stem Wu sees Ji is BiJie, he regards money very importantly, and the people of BiJie value money very seriously. Month is based on personality. He has Xin who is ShangGuan- a wounded official. He will reform and innovate according to this principle or what and how is it, it won't be conservative.

    Gui is Wu’s wealth. In terms of feelings, I will treat you with all the money, and I will treat you better, because he is a man. How can I combine with you if you don’t give me the money? In ten stems, WuGui reconciles the fire, can you reconcile if you don’t give it to him the money? He just ignores you, he is like this.

    Fortunately, he has Jia Bing (Day branch Yin) in his wife's palace. In terms of ordinary fortune telling, the Wu in Yin is weak, so there is no need to consider it. He has a good wife, if he wants to do something, she will help, remember that people on the Wu day must have Jia, preferably a penetrating, and his penetrating is only hidden in the wife's palace. His wife gave him a lot of resources (Yin’s has Bing). Resources are power, because he was born on the Wu day of winter. The Wu day of birth in winter is especially important for power. Because the Wu day of birth in winter often loses power, he will lose confidence, his spouse is of course not necessarily a spouse. The mainland said “his lover”, just to give him confidence.

    It’s a pity that hour stem Geng is ShiSheng, and hour branch Shen has Geng Ren. His son can’t help him, because of ShiSheng, he was born in winter, and the one born in winter needs Bing, and he needs the sun to warm up. His son is Ren. Ren is water, and Geng (at the time of renewal) is as rigid as him.

    When he was 22 years old, the luck cycle was in Bing. He thought he was great. His monthly order was in winter, the environment at 22 years old felt great, but it is a pity that his environment (year pillar Ren Yin), Ren is fortune, he was born in winter. His family is poor. The winter money means that he has no money. He has no money. He is stubborn and thinks it is great. Whenever he has this power (Bing), he thinks I have this ability and I have this Ph.D. Well, your doctor’s family is too poor to send you abroad.

    At the age of 27, walked to Chen luck, after 27 years old Shen Chen half-combine to water bureau (Shi Zhi Shen and luck Chen have the relationship of Shen Zi Chen water Bureau), and he is Gui water (Month stem) rooted in Chou month (Chou has Ji Xin Gui), his personality has not been fulfilled in the dreams he has thought for a while (because of winter wealth), this is the explanation of traditional fortune telling, sometimes it is too accurate, and I don’t know whose narrative is. I don’t know if it’s accurate, because I don’t have it here.

    From 32 to 41 years old, luck cycle is Ding Si. Ding not revealed is energized and weak. Why is he energized? He has good skills or other abilities, but no income, not so much income, but he wouldn’t die, why? Although he still has a little fire in the winter, he can see his hope. In the fairy tale, there is a little match girl who lights a firewood to see her hope on a snowy night. This is exactly the same as the story. This is a sorrow for fortune-telling.

    From 42 years old to 51 years old WuWu, Wu is BiJie. In his mind, he has everything but no money, and all kinds of experts have no money. The Lucky cycle is from 52 to 61 years old. It’s the same for 52 years old. I think we must eat more NC and pumpkin seed oil and eat more vegetables.

    He must have Bing (using pig small intestines to cook Sishen soup). Bing is life-saving. Bing can allow him to develop high-talent things in his mind. This section of the luck cycle BingChen is at the doctoral level, but it is still frozen. The result was amazing, and it turned out to be Ren against Bing (RenYin Year).

Disclaimer: The foods or vitamins mentioned in the content of this article are all suggestions for nutrition and do not have medicinal effects such as medical treatment and disease treatment. Please refer to it yourself.​


