Determining the structure of Geng metal (3) - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
Word class:

Determining the structure of Geng metal (3)

(Dr. Chen Yikui)

Female 55

   Hour day month year

      壬    庚     戊     辛   

      午    辰     戌     丑   

Luck cycle

89  79  69  59  49  39  29

丁  丙  乙  甲  癸  壬  辛  

未  午  巳  辰  卯  寅  丑

    This horoscope is also Kuigang, GongChen and GengXu are both Kuigang, and the day pillar also has a GengChen. Kuigang was born in Xu month. All Kuigangs need to be strong. Under what circumstances are they weak? If they are ShangGuan, they can be weak when ShangGuan is completely wounded.

    In the previous natal chart, here is the resource of ShangGuan (Si has Geng Wu Bing), ShangGuan is not exhausted. When there is no exhaustion, there should be a Jai. He also has Jia. There is Jia in the year branch Hai. Returning to this chart, she is strong and has metal from the earth. Her ShangGuan were in the year branch Chou and day branch Chen, and it was very miserable when the 49-year-old Gui Mao luck cycle when Gui comes? KuiGang is a leader who is actually good at highest power and can be decapitating, but this is very good. Because there is Wu and WuGui (Luck cycle GuiMao) combined fire, they became her name and fame. Fire against metal was regarded as an official killing, and it was hers. Fame and power.

    In terms of the pattern, month Xu (Ding Wu Xin), this earth is in the real position. It happens to be that he is called Pianyingge. Pianyingge must have his wealth, and he must have Jia and rooted. Her money is counted in 100 million, but she doesn't have a root, so tens of millions is not bad.

    She had no roots in JiaChen of the 59-year-old luck cycle, and there was no Jia on the earthly branches. You see, the plastic king is hundreds of billions, this is his life.

    She is an executive. After she made a lot of money from the age of 59, she gained both fame and fortune. Until the luck cycle DingWei, her property was real estate. I don’t know what the market price was at that time. Wei is a wood Treasury,revealed Ding, Ding is her ZhengGuan. After she died, she wouldn't be buried in a low-key coffin like XXX. Doesn’t XX have money? He is rich, so why not have it big ?

    So coming here for class is the first to keep you healthy. This fortune telling everyone should understand that when you are frustrated, this is very important. You should have heard a sentence saying: "If this level is passed, it will be prosperous." You need to know that the taught time is at least five years, and some are 20 or more. In five to thirty years, remember not to think that there are only two days in the checkpoint. It is enough to run two days at 3:30. It is impossible. It takes at least five years to run at 3:30.
