Determining the structure of Ren water (2) - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
Word class:

Determining the structure of Ren water (2)

(Dr. Chen Yikui)

  hour day month year

    辛    壬    癸    壬  

    丑    甲    卯    寅

Luck cycle

90  80  70  60  50  40  30

甲  乙  丙  丁  戊  己  庚

午  未  申  酉  戌  亥  子

    Month Mao sets the pattern for Ren day. There is no word in Mao that reveals the heavenly stem. You have to use Mao’s hidden stem to make the decision. She is a truly independent ShangGuan—wounded official. The wounded official has one advantage. Don’t run into the official. If in this horoscope, there is a Zhengguan—righteous official self in the gods. It is the wounded official to the rightful official who is responsible for all kinds of disasters. Sometimes this disaster is not caused by himself, but it is caused by others to make him pay.

    I once met a man. He had a Zhengguan. His mother brought him. I said that all those who came to me were losing money. His mother’s tears fell immediately, more than 20 million more than twenty years ago. At that time, one ounce gold was twelve thousand, four times the current one hundred million. This man drove Yulon's car back and ran into a sports car. There was a barrel of gasoline in the sports car, which was used for racing. The gasoline ignited the sports car and burned it out. It also burned a child to death. This kind of disaster is the separation of criminal and civil affairs. Compensation must be clarified in order to be sentenced. I said that something has happened. I am helping you to minimize the compensation. In the end, he was sentenced to six months in prison for negligence and death. She would also like to thank me for giving me a lot of gifts.

    This natal chart is female. She has no righteous official, and she has not done all kinds of misfortunes, but no matter where the wounded official goes, she will meet someone who is higher positions than her, like her elders, this is certain, and this hour stem Xin metal came to help, because she was weak and there was a resource to help. She had the advantage of being able to do it in the year stem. It was her advantage and the advantage of her weak-self. She spent money to buy what she wanted. There is an advantage to marrying this kind of wife. As long as you ignore her, she won’t hurt the officials. The official hurt is the husband. If the husband ignores her, he won’t be hurt, or if she ignores her husband, it won't hurt her husband. The wounded officer will not have the name of the wounded officer.

    If she spends money for her children, she will be very successful in the future. Is she an emperor if she is rich? If she wants to have money, Ren and B will be in the same group, and her fortune will be a lot after the age of seventy.
