The miracle of "The nuclear life transport Zhu" (3) - Life Cycle -
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The miracle of "The nuclear life transport Zhu" (3)

 (3)(Platinum sharing)

In order to enable "The nuclear life transport Zhu" to sense the body's magnetic field, in addition to the daily necessities—carry, it is necessary to have sufficient and balanced nutrition in the body to resonate, to create a good influence, and away from disasters.
In the previous article, "rental housing" and "bank mortgage terms" were mentioned. Two different examples were approached as smoothly as possible. In addition, "it" can also make people avoid the unfortunate accident, that is, "life nuclear power Zhu" saved my son a life.

My son has kept "The nuclear life transport Zhu" in his bag. That year, after returning from school, he told me there was a very thrilling scene that morning, almost causing a car accident that either dead or disabled. He said, In the morning, as usual, riding a bicycle quickly to school, when approaching an alley at the crossroads, he habitually looked around, on weekdays even is a safe road, there still may blind spots, did not expect a car actually suddenly drove out from the right, at a critical juncture, it seems that the adrenal rapid rise, immediately to his best, with the fastest speed of the bike "drift" to stop rotating, Just rubbed into the car's rear-view mirror, and finally make himself safe.

As a mother heard my son talked about such a thrilling journey, I dumbfounded speechless, can not stand with my feet, thank God. Can or cannot escape the occurrence of a car accident, are between "milliseconds." He remembered that the situation had to be avoided, he would had rush into the sedan if he had crossed quickly. He said at that emergency he could not think much about it and seemed to be immediately "swirling" with the help of divine assistance.

When emergency threatens life, he can calm down and have the correct speed response. This is due to the daily routine of supplementing nutrition with Dr. Chen's various natural vitamins and long-term carrying " The nuclear life transport Zhu”, which can finally save the day with thrills.
