The story of Blessing Incense-- to choose their own happiness - Energy/Power -
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The story of Blessing Incense-- to choose their own happiness

"Why do I always believe people say? Why do not you believe your own eyes to see and observe things? "Italian astronomer Galileo, everyone was in the 16th and 17th centuries that the sun is round the earth when, but he used his telescope to observe with their own eyes, thinking draw his conclusions - (earth rotate the sun). So happy to live with their own observations plus brains thinking is very important.

Huang recently a friend very troubled, because she can not decide marriage, she asked me to help her with Astrology Numerology select one from two suitors. Chatting with her, I use the Master of Yi-Kwei Chen blessing incense. I told her, the decision to marry u and the other object is a happy life together. Perhaps someone will u and conditions so poor or no money to marry the man will not be happy, but the important thing is to whom you want to marry and live with him. The only way to observe and feel. To choose their own love and love their choices will be really happy.

A week later, she was happy to tell me that she has already started to determine her Mr. Right. "Believe everything the book as no book" Spirituality is all about. I believe blessing incense guide her properly understand the true feelings of your heart, to find their own true happiness. Thanks for Master of Yi-Kwei Chen developed treasures again - blessing incense.
