Cyanophyllite: The Mystery of the Carboniferous Species Explosion - Energy/Power -
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Cyanophyllite: The Mystery of the Carboniferous Species Explosion

For the secret of the connection between human beings and mineral energy, Master Chen Yikui's research in this area can be said to be unique in the world. The Chinese civilization surpasses all other civilizations in the world in obtaining the energy of the earth in exchange for the wisdom of the secret of human success. In the study of the wisdom of the entire Chinese civilization, no one has ever delved so deeply like Master Chen Yikui.

​In the study of the relationship between various minerals, stone types and the success of human survival, Master Chen Yikui has achieved many unparalleled research results. For example, cyanobacteria stone is the holy product of energy discovered by Master Chen Yikui.

​In paleontology, the Carboniferous period is an era of great explosion of biological species. In this wonderful paleontological era, a large number of species evolved, and the number of many organisms also exploded at the same time. It can be called an era of extremely strong vitality. The organisms that dominated the Carboniferous period were cyanobacteria. Like many modern microorganisms, this aquatic plant has an uncomplicated structure and has not evolved a very complicated form, but it has strong vitality and occupies a large number. It can be said that the earth at that time was an era when cyanobacteria competed for hegemony, and almost the entire earth was occupied by it.

​With the passage of hundreds of millions of years, cyanobacteria, like many dominant creatures, have gradually stepped out of the stage of dominance and fell silent, but the cyanobacteria that once covered almost the entire ocean on the earth have left them in the stratum Evidence of ever-surviving, a very large number of cyanobacteria have undergone years of extrusion and deposition in the strata, turned into fossils, and finally became a part of geology, that is, cyanobacteria.

​The cyanobacteria that once dominated the earth have inherited the strong vitality of the Carboniferous era after they were transformed into stones in geology. The human physique plays a role of resonance. This kind of energy quality is not found in most stones.

​Master Chen Yikui came into contact with the veins of cyanobacteria by accident in his early years. After experiments and research, he obtained the essence of cyanobacteria stone and used it in academics to make people's energy smoother. The perfect sanctuary.

​The function of cyanobacteria stone is to balance the disordered energy of the human body and make all the functions of the body turn to balance. Master Chen Yikui used it for wearing and found that it can soothe people's body and mind and eliminate some negative energy. Soaking it in water, or putting it in a pot when cooking, also has a good balance effect on various unsmooth energy of people.
