The taste and function of health Bodhi seeds - Energy/Power -
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The taste and function of health Bodhi seeds

Ask Mr. Chen Yikui: 

Recently, someone who got Bodhi seed asked, why does Bodhi seed add the smell of sandalwood? What effect can this have on the human body?

Teacher Chen Yikui:  

   The sandalwood smell of Bodhi seeds is scented. If you don’t use sandalwood, the Bodhi seeds are useless. Why should you add them? Why do we need to add salt to stir-fry? Because no one wants to eat Stir-fried vegetables, they must be salted. If you don't add salt, no one wants to eat it. It's the same! No one wants to eat it. You said that this dish is nutritious. How can it be nutritious if you don't eat it.

   The eminent monks in Nepal and Qingkang Tibet all used 108 bodhi seeds to hang on their bodies, and later used Buddha beads for acting. How to use Buddha beads! Be sure to use bodhi seeds, because after hanging it, hang it around your neck, your hands will touch it, and after irritation, all infected diseases, have you heard that the eminent monk hanging bodhi seed beads died of bird flu? The one who died of cancer? No, all the viruses filtered out, it's strange, I don't know if I smelled that smell, or if I came across that eminent monk and Buddha was blessed, it even committed suicide by filtering the virus, there is no way to filter the virus into a disease, there is no way. Therefore, as long as you rub it every day for those who get the Bodhi Seed, the cancer will leave you and the cancer cells will die.

Disclaimer: The foods and vitamins mentioned in this article are all suggestions for health care and do not have medicinal effects such as medical treatment and disease treatment. Please refer to them yourself.
