Eat right food, change your life.(one) - Nutritious -
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Eat right food, change your life.(one)

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

Different food, bring different luck;

For example, a successful love life need good luck, then, what kind of food could bring a successful love life? There must be natural magnesium in the food, as well as natural biotin.Then people will see your pretty eyes, will pursue you, will want to date you, ask you out.and so on. Whether it is now or in the past, kissing good bye after dinner, if you lack of magnesium and biotin, next time, it will be really just dinner then good byes, nothing left. Because without magnesium and biotin, something will be missing, something will not be right, feeling wrong, not very comfortable, and that is it, they would not miss you.

When tongue kissing, the saliva contains protein and  protein contained in each person have an allergic reaction; the current of allergic reaction in the brain inprinted. This is love feeling.This is like computer memory generated, and that memory has its effect, if you feel the love feeling, you are in love, or is the other person, and love last forever. When this feeling will change? A new kissing, that will wash off the original mark and replaced by the new one.

Some people complain about their bad luck, it depends on what kind of bad luck? Bad love life, when you are missing something; bad money luck, you are missing another kind of thing, bad exam luck, then, in addition to lack of iron, iodine...,when lack of these things, you are not positive, no memory, then not test well.

Business people want to make money, the amino acids in food must have arginine, beef have most of arginine; at the same time, money luck also need cholera. Lack of cholera will not be positive, so even with large amount of beef, without supply of cholestatic raw vegetable, this person will not want to actively work hard to make money, instead, they will turn into lust. Same for women, if only eat a lot of beef without vegetable, she will just laying in the bed everyday, calling her boyfriend.

In the process of life, people afraid the most are meeting” big people” and “small” people, that is, law sue trouble, and back staking, in case of non-governmental and non-compliance, this indicates unbalanced diet, caused by minerals imbalance. In the old time, people who has this problem, they go home then must eat pork feet with noodles; minerals hidden in the noodles, old time noodles are hand made, not with machines; hand make noodles always add soda and salt, sale is mineral. With mineral balance people can off trouble. What kind of people get in trouble more than others? Those who love Mo hi, rice dumpling, cakes,Coke’s.....A child who drinks 4 bottle of coke will get into trouble, his/her family will scold them everyday. As long as the children drink coke  or eat sweets for over 3 months, their mother will scold them daily.

Personal luck, good or not, can tell from the food and drink intake, what food cause most pathetic people? People who addicted to sweet, carbohydrates, because there is no nutrition but calories; people without nutrition take life as fate, the more take it as fate the more pathetic. Unscrupulous people do not know how to change their diet also very poor, because they can not escape their original logic of thinking, can not jump out from their own box or circle.

When any food is eaten, if you can not digest, it can not be absorbed, cause bad luck; when you can not absorb, there is no energy. A person who have diarrhea, bad diarrhea until one legs are weak, unable to walk, bad luck comes. A person would not be successful if one have constipation for a long time as well; constipation is because mineral can not be  absorbed.

Diarrhea occurs when protein and fat are not digested. Once the diarrhea begins, the mineral in the body excreted, so people with long-term diarrhea never have good luck. People with long-term constipation are over-stressed, their constipation sometimes are more painful than their death, even if they are in good state they still can not afford to suffer from constipation, many rich people are more painful than those are poor. These are all digestive problems, when digestion is not complete, not allow body to absorb the required elements, it will cause the corresponding luck symptoms, so the supply of food should consider of absorb problem, not just in take.

