Eat right food, change your life.(Vl) - Nutritious -
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Eat right food, change your life.(Vl)

 (Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

Food and living behavior, in fact, this is the most important key in our study of feng shui. People thinks that the most important key to feng shui should be in what kind of ecology, such as: where is the best place to live in, or ancestral graves buried in which ecology is best .... I think this is secondary, food is the most important.

Therefore, the first chapter of I-Ching (the Book of Changes) is Qian, the heaven. It is about ecology, we must have this ecology to produces a wisdom, including people have ability or not, look at this ecology, the first chapter of the Book of Changes Qian Gua, is the relationship between the sky and the land.

Yang Line one, Qianlong- hidden dragon- do not use.

If there is no thunderstorm, this place is no use. It does not mean that people can not survive but there is no wise person to lead you.

Yang Line two, see dragon in the field, auspiciousness to visit high rank person.It is very important, that there is a small field called Tian, ​​in this small area with thunder and things that survive, you stay in this place for a long time, you will have many chances to meet great people.This interpretation has not been explained this way like me in the past. If you eat food from this area for a long time, there will surely be many great people, great men or saints, all of whom are great. That's all. What amazing people? Gangster head is also amazing ah! If you read the history of the Republic of China( if it is very faithful write in), Du Yuesheng, in the period of Chiang Kai-shek the anti-Japanese leadership, he is a anonymous hero. He is the representative of the Green Gang underground work in Shanghai, the most amazing under organization person.

Canada latitudes rarely have thunderstorms, it use artificial beats , artificial discharge,now, you know what area of food you should eat, the production on the latitude between 22 degrees to 35 degrees. That was why, all the great Chinese people are in the Yellow River basin and the Yangtze River basin. None of them was born in the Heilongjiang River Valley and the Yalu River. How about Genghis Khan then? Genghis Khan time the weather changed dramatically, a lot of thunder in his era, when Genghis Khan was abused as a kid to escape, was not thunderstorms that day? He had eaten in the wilderness, and at that time the cattle and sheep ate the local grass, the grass of the thunder. He was amazing because he ate the beef and mutton. His territory spanned Europe and Asia.

In the West also  have a very great person, Alexander the Great, he is Eurasia on two continents, he did not move to China, from North India, Pakistan, running from the Middle East, went to Europe. Like Genghis Khan, in his era, the climate in that place was drastic, and he was able to eat a lot of food where with thunderstorm.

So you have to understand, like all the great men in China, why many are in Shandong caves, Shandong in Yellow River basin, Shandong is poor, why? On the left bank of the Yellow River. Very poor but have thunderstorms.

So in a study of this sort, you must eat vegetables that grow in summer, and stem vegetables of low latitude like bamboo shoots, thunder scared it out. Look at this way , food it not just about nutrition, some people think that there is no nutrition in bamboo shoot, wrong. You still can eat it.

Eat vegetables, eat summer vegetables. Fruit, eat autumn and winter fruit, why? Those fruit trees were thunderstorms in summer,rain water, the results for fruit quite well. So a lot of Hakka people produce a Hakka culture, which is very good. Places Hakka people stay, are thunder and thunder. Hakka culture will not be destroyed, Hakka culture accounted for the majority of Chinese culture. Many of our cultures are evolved from the Hakka culture. Three hundred Tang poems are used in Hakka dialect, it is very pretty and incredible. The best way is to sing it with Hakka dialect not mandarin.

Then again a problem in plant classification, vegetables, fruit itself, if you look at an ancestor of the nation, the upper and lower equatorial 15 degrees, no great man, so the same river culture, those native Amazon have no culture. Culture can not be enlightened, Hawaii has no great people, because there in15 degrees up and down of the equator, 15 degrees south latitude and 15 degrees north latitude. Buddha is in India, but It is over 15 degrees ( Buddha is on the northside of India). There are no great men to the south of India, and their classes are those northern running southern of India.

New Guinea, Java and Indonesia are all within 15 degrees of the equator, including Thailand, which is a little further south, it does not thunder. So thunderous it? Chinese’s imagination, Thunder is a dragon, so it is raining the dragon water, so in our Ming dynasty calendar will discredit what year is that year , how many dragon water, raise silkworm, thunder culture is ah! So food is in the thunderstorm culture, and human beings in this culture to produce the greats, have a great man, not to produce a gentleman. To have good man,in any management career, a person that management of things are called great people.

So how to produce great people, high rank people? Must be related to food, where are those foods come from? A place is thunder. So you have to know where the food comes from because the food in Taiwan is import now. The food comes from the United States. The food is from the Middle East. If you come from Xinjiang, you will not become great, you eat Xinjiang's cantaloupe, Xinjiang did not thunder, delicious but did not thunder, it will not produce great. Cantaloupe you have to eat Taiwan's cantaloupe, Taiwan has thunder.

Same in the Americas why Mexico can not produce a great man, because Mexico is the equatorial place, it would not work to both sides of the equator, so the real leaders are in the north-central United States. Like Lincoln, Washington are on the north. Not in the south. Why? Thunder in such areas is very frequent.

So in terms of this great food, first is not to eat refined products, great Newton did not eat refined products, he took the eggs in the laboratory in a steel cup to cook, so he is clever. Newton did not have too much cholesterol. We saw on the record, that he ate up to forty eggs a day. He sometimes look like a neuropathy. He did not sleep for 24 hours. He thinks, and work hard with his brain . He knew calculus , Mathematics, Newton is very famous in physics, astronomy.

You eat what you want to eat? You will be very happy, why people live unhappy? Do not dare to eat, not happy. Cannot eat fish, a lot of heavy metals? Do not eat vegetables, too much pesticides, draft no nutrients. Let me tell you the final death of people? Was destroyed. Perished by himself. Why people so painful? Believe in the words of others, did not go pursuit of their own happiness, but believe in what others say.

