Food Science and You (11)Anti-stress - Nutritious -
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Food Science and You (11)Anti-stress

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

We should apply the things contained in our normal food, or the things that are good for our body, to relieve this pressure, you will not suffer, your life will be very happy, very healthy, you can survive normally, you will have a way to compete with others.

Like mothers now, afraid that my children will not be able to  compete with other children, they are multilingual now,  some mothers don’t understand the pressure of children. When they don’t relieve stress, they will refuse to accept the teacher to teach him something. Therefore, if the child refuses the teacher, he will write C in reverse, which is the opposite of things. When twenty or thirty years ago, there were a lot of teachers who were teaching in the school come to asked me why he worked so hard at teaching, the results were always not as good as the next class. I knew, the teacher in the next class was not mean to her husband. Very fierce? Your are right. But it seems childish to children? Right. Why? It’s as naive as the elementary school students, so she said the same thing, but the children will accept it without feeling the pressure, they will absorb it, and the results will be good. But she can't do this for a long time. When she pretend to play with children, this pressure is great. If she goes back, she will deceive her husband and take back of this control on her husband. So if you go back, your spouse is very fierce to you, you know that he must be wronged during the day, this is a relative.

Let's tlk about what happens to stress? toxin. There are two toxins known today, carbonic acid and free radicals. Our aging situation is in carbonic acid. Our terminal illness is in free radicals. Therefore, food preconditions do not cause you to be terminally ill, that you do not aging, this is called health.

Many people are lucky, he is very healthy, although is not much educated, but when he is very healthy, his memory is very good. Although his food is not much, when he is 60, his memory is remembered. More than a doctor, because all he saw, he became very well knowledge, so what kind of person is this kind of person? The Chinese say that one elderly at home is always a treasure. That is the old one must be healthy. When I was a child, there was no Western medicine, and there were very few Chinese medicine practitioners. Because the Japanese were in Taiwan, Chinese medicine did not have such development. Western medicine only had several medicines, and the antipyretic agent, aspirin. Sulfate, then come to salt water, you can hit the world invincible. If you can live to ninety years old and have good memory, it is a treasure. Because of his entire experience, the climate cycle, and the changes in the whole environment, he has already remembered. He can answer almost everything if you ask him. Probably all right. Then we now have a treasure at home, the whole family is miserable, why? Not healthy! The one we are at home is always unhealthy. It is not because he is healthy and not dead. In fact, he forgot everything, and he didn't know he didn't know. So now the family has an old one all miserable, because not healthy.

How food is helpful to you, related to the work you are doing, some people use hands, some use ear, some use eyes, some use the mind, some use the mouth, some use the physical strength, where you stand?

This is related to food. What kind of food people will lie the most? After eating, the more people who produce carbon dioxide on the bodies, the more hypocritical, the easier to lie. So people who like alcoholism, you don't want to be with him, he will tell you every day, you lend me 1000 yuan, I will pay you back tomorrow, tomorrow tomorrow, how many tomorrow. This is a certain thing, so when your child drinks two cans of cola every day, you have to be careful, and you will be cheated after three years. Because the sugar inside the cola also produces a lot of carbonic acid in our body. So the process of food affecting the whole growth of people is probably like this.

So people who are too healthy will leave unhealthy people, or they will easily be deceived by unhealthy people.
