Steamed Egg with Leafy Vegetables - Nutritious -
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Steamed Egg with Leafy Vegetables

Buy pig’s cartilage and boil it with water, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator to remove the oil layer on it. Take five tablespoons of boiled cartilage soup and beat 5 egg yolks. The stems and leaves are blanched first, and then mashed into vegetable puree with a juicer. The vegetable puree must also be boiled in cartilage soup. Add a little sea salt. Now let’s talk about the importance of salt. Don’t add too much sea salt. As long as it is tasty is enough. Just steam it. Don’t finish the eggs at once, but divide them into several times a day. I will share my experience with you.

After lunch, go under the sun. You shouldn’t go to bed or lie down immediately after eating, you must walk around and bask in the sun. The sun in nature is very important for healing our body. I don’t know if you have the habit of basking in the sun. I used to walk to a shady place when I met the sun. Now I embrace the sun. When there is sun, I’m so happy. You can take the sun for ten minutes or fifteen minutes, but not at noon. The time is good in the morning and evening, and the sun in the evening is also good. I hope everyone will do the same.

I buy different green vegetables every day. Because the stems have a lot of plant alkaloids, I only eat green leaves. All kinds of vegetables can be eaten, especially mustard greens are better. You can eat the leaves regardless of the size of the mustard greens. The stems can be blanched again. fry. The method is to boil water, put a little ginger in it, soak the leaves, pick up and cut everything into puree.

Disclaimer: The foods and vitamins mentioned in this article are all suggestions and do not have medical and disease effects. Please refer to them yourself.
