Porridge and Osteoporosis - Nutritious -
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Porridge and Osteoporosis

(Dr. Chen Yikui)

Four or fifty years ago, Taiwan didn't eat much protein and oil. Everyone liked to eat porridge in the morning with salted dried radish. Under such circumstances, a large amount of stomach acid would be produced, and the stomach would feel uncomfortable. Take antacids right away, oops, why? All minerals cannot be absorbed, because all minerals cannot produce ions after the antacid goes on, so people in the fifty years of the Republic of China, who ate a lot of Qiangweisan at that time, reached the age of fifty, especially women in their fifties. Osteoporosis accounted for 75% after that. When I explain this principle, people ask me what they say? Nonsense! Chen Yikui really can brag, not even the doctor, nor the MD, only you, Chen Yikui, but I can tell you that my brothers and sisters my theory emphasizes that because my brother came back from the United States, he is an expert in physiology, He picks everything he eats. Even when he eats our rice, he has to count the grains. His movements seem to be counting, but he is not. Why does he think Taiwanese are so sick? Eat porridge! why? We didn't bite, so he came back and told me that I wanted to eat rice, he wanted a grainy grain kind of cooking rice. If the rice was too sticky, we had to re-boil it. Because he has that rank (rank-status), our whole family must be obedient, and re-cooking will re-cook. You have to remember that when you want to ask people to do something, you must have that status. If you don’t have that status, then you don’t eat and starve to death.

He said that many of us Taiwanese are sick. After taking a lot of antibiotics, antibiotics cause indigestion! The stomach will not be able to work. After can’t eat, people will cook thin porridge. He said that the more you eat like this, the sicker your digestive system will be, sick people must chew it to digest in our mouths enzymes can be produced, then what you eat can be absorbed. My whole family of brothers and sisters have not died yet. We are all in their 80s and 90s. We have no osteoporosis when they go to the examination. It must be like this! Neither men nor women have osteoporosis.

Disclaimer: The foods and vitamins mentioned in this article are all suggestions for health care, and do not have medicinal effects such as medical treatment and disease treatment. Please refer to it yourself.
