What does ionization vitamins mean - Nutritious -
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What does ionization vitamins mean

Ask Mr. Chen Yikui:

Now there are ionized vitamins on the market, what does ionization mean?

Teacher Chen Yikui:

   After the 21st century, physiologists have been very active in the study of ionization, and most of the winners of the Nobel Prize in Medicine have taken the route of biochemistry. When studying health problems at the end of the 19th century, it was found that the source of human energy is the substances produced by the decomposition of food through gastric acid (hydrochloric acid secreted by the stomach). These substances are decomposed from proteins, minerals and carbohydrates, including vitamins. It must be ionized in order for the body to absorb it, otherwise it cannot be absorbed.

   Under normal circumstances, after we eat food containing vitamins, the decomposed amino acids, sugars, monosaccharides (16 kinds) and synthesized vitamins are immediately absorbed by the human body in the form of ions, but extracted from plants. The vitamins that come out are in molecular form, and the human body must ionize them before they can be absorbed.

   Why does current technology make vitamins into ionic forms? Because our bodies can’t be as healthy as people before, we have mild anemia after taking medicines when we are sick in Taiwan. Especially after being sick with a lot of antibiotics for a month, the anemia is even more serious. Doctors know that anemia is caused by iron deficiency and if the hemoglobin is less than two, the doctor will perform blood transfusion when the hemoglobin is below 8. My older brother and younger brother, both MDs and physiologists, asked why they were anemic? They answered that it was caused by insufficient vitamin B12. In the past (in the era of Japanese occupation), we didn’t eat well, but the hemoglobin was at a high standard of 16. Now we eat enough vitamins without lack of nutrition. When we go to the hospital to check the hemoglobin, it will not exceed 13~14. According to the survey, only 1% of the population are over 16.

   Today's doctors most commonly use antibiotics and antipyretics for cold patients, especially the children born after the 1960s or 1970s grew up on antibiotics. Unfortunately, the absorption rate of vitamin B12 is only 3%~5 %. In the 1980s, modern technology started the ionization of vitamins. Vitamin B12 is the most famous ionization, called methylcobalamin, which can be absorbed as long as it is in the mucous membrane, or it can be absorbed under the tongue in the form of ions.

   The principle of ionization absorption is the principle of semi-permeable membrane. Physiologists in the 19th century published the principle of semi-permeable membrane and won the Nobel Prize. In terms of cell membrane, the side with high concentration will permeate to the side with low concentration. Principle of semipermeable membrane. In fact, this principle was used by the Chinese to marinate salted pork as early as a thousand years ago. The mineral concentration of salt is higher than the water concentration of pork. The salt enters the meat and the water seeps out from the meat. The whole process is carried out in an ionized state of. Ions are charged ions in which atoms (including atomic groups) or molecules have lost or gained an electron. Artificial ionization is the use of technology to turn nutrients into negatively charged ions so that they can be more easily absorbed by positively charged cells. After ionization There are alkaline or acidic ions, such as beryllium (Be) magnesium (Mg) calcium (Ca) after ionization are alkaline ions, Taiwanese eat too much pure white rice, phosphide contains too much beryllium, Stomach acid secretion is more than foreigners, so I tell everyone that calcium and magnesium tablets should be taken before meals, and the amount should not be too much. Calcium and magnesium tablets must be ionized by gastric acid. After ionization, it will become alkaline and neutral. And the acidity of stomach acid, this will have an advantage, as long as you eat five minutes full, you will lose weight for a year and your skin will become beautiful.

Disclaimer: The foods and vitamins mentioned in this article are all suggestions for health care and do not have medicinal effects such as medical treatment and disease treatment. Please refer to them yourself.
