Nutritional composition and effects of food! - Nutritious -
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Nutritional composition and effects of food!

(Teacher Chen Yikui)

Our substance, protein basically has 22 kinds of amino acids, 22 kinds of polysaccharides, 22 kinds of carbohydrates, 22 kinds of fats, then there are only three kinds of fatty acids in the book, and the three kinds of fatty acids are studied. There are one or two thousand types of water, but there are only two types of water we study, one is hard water, the other is soft water, and there are at most three types of distilled water, so all research and application are not the same, why so many? ? Rat oil is not the same as chicken oil, peanut oil is not the same as soybean oil, they are all the same! These 22 are the fewest, there are thousands of them, so all aspects of our food that develop our people's personality come from it. Because among the 22 kinds of it, some people can only eat those kinds, such as only vegetable oil, and vegetable oil cannot be added.

So this is knowledge. I must be a vegetarian in terms of protein. I cannot eat certain carbohydrates. Have you ever heard that people with weak feet should not eat bamboo shoots? Yes, why? Bamboo shoots are carbohydrates, why can't they be eaten? Why can't you eat it? Cooked it wrong. Can you eat boiled meat, can you cook meat if you are a vegetarian? Cannot.

There must be enzymes and co-enzymes in it. That's why I teach you how to eat vitamins. Blessing's vitamins contain minerals. After eating, you must eat protein and egg yolks. Because egg yolk is a very complete protein, eat a lot of suet, eat some brown rice, and after half a year, you will change the whole thing. To what extent? Finally, according to the statistics, the feng shui of the living person's Yangzhai should be eastward and westward. As a result, the people of the West Four Lives live in the east house, and the people are so hot that they turn purple. I can see that so many people are so red and purple! Just know that nutrition is the most important issue.

Disclaimer: The foods and vitamins mentioned in this article are all suggestions for health care and do not have medicinal effects such as medical treatment and disease treatment. Please refer to them yourself.
