Feng Shui to maintain life - I Ching -
Word class:

Feng Shui to maintain life

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

Generally speaking, when the ancient apes started their journey to the North China Plain when they settled in more than two million years ago, they regarded "survival" as the first consideration. When they chose to settle down, they did not pay attention to comfort and beauty, but considered "living point of view" , to survive in the new environment, what conditions must have?

Master Chen Yi-kui pointed out that under the consideration of maintaining the "life" factor, usually the environment must have "four elements of survival," so that ape can survive. These four elements are

(1) water

(2) food

(3) Prevent the northerly wind

(4) prevent floods.

Researchers of physiology know that 70% of body weight is water, and life is difficult to maintain as long as three days without a drop of water. Therefore, "water" is also called "fountain of life" and naturally becomes the choice of the cave age. The first indicator.

In addition, at that time, "well water extraction" technology was not yet invented, so whether in the plains, mountains, or even the seaside, the desert. . . Ape people must be selected in the "near water" place, will consider settling.

Paleolithic sites excavated from the North China Plain, whether it be the ruins of Beijing Zhoukoudian, Changyang, Dingcun, Lantian ruins. . . All around the cave, indeed! Have close to the "water area" features.

This principle of "living close to the water" naturally became the "mainstream" element of the dwelling in an ancient era of inventions such as well water, tap water and dam water storage. Similarly, it has also become an important guideline for "geomantic omen" in the future. All geomancy theories have taken this as the starting point.

"Burial book" words:

“Feng Shui Law, get water“!

"Water Dragon" said:
“ Many mountain hero  one after another, is because of the water”!

Tang Dynasty "shaped" Feng Shui masters Yang Yun Song, more directly:

“Check the water before mountain, without water mountain is useless.”
