Minerals and cycles - I Ching -
Word class:

Minerals and cycles

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

Generally people placed  variety of mineral stone in front of the door, table, windows, all these ornaments related to feng shui it? Mr. Chen said a great deal. We have always emphasized this resonance before, but this resonance must be stone, and it must be living stings not artificial. Did not go through high-temperature burning, and there may be no resonance of spiritual resonance when it burns at high temperatures.

Thirty years ago we covered the floor with terrazzo, which was very good. Because all the gravel is alive, it is not heated, only the water is hot, but it is trapped inside the cement and the grindstone appears again. Because there will be resonance when appear, so at that time no one living in such a house is not active, the recent popularity of such a large tile, the wall is also posted. In the past ten years everyone was not very passive but wasted. He did not want to actively think, "What do I want to do?" Most of the children of families at our luxury houses are mostly not motivated. Now riding a motorcycle, young people who living in the old house have fighting spirit, such a clear way to solve the problem.

Therefore, the study of feng shui, people set it as how to set the tables and chairs, Teacher Chen Yikui’s research system, he is using physically as a basis for the study of life. As before, according to the principle of living oxygen, Dr. Chen Yikui also used the principle of life to make use of the photosynthesis of plants and did not aim at landscaping and photosynthesis. Many people worship the Avalokitesvara with porcelain, and Chen believes that they will not be blessed but no one believes that. Fo Guang Shan would have to pay a high price buying a Beijing-based white marble Avalokitesvara through Japan.

In the past, there was life on paper paintings, but that dyeing must be milled with raw materials, and our current dye-through chemistry. The problem is with minerals, Teacher Chen often talks about having life for any substance, as long as it is life, it has a cycle. How will produce a cycle? The whole environment, the temperature, the cycle of the sun's rays, seems to be the period of the water, which evaporates into a vapor. It rains, the icy winter, the icing, the redissolved, the cycle can all be calculated on Earth, and water for you is how old.
