In I Ching dragon is the thunder - I Ching -
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In I Ching dragon is the thunder

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

In Huaxia Chinese culture, the most puzzling creatures, is the "dragon." Chinese like to call themselves "the descendants of the dragon." Ancient kings often call themselves "the dragon of real life." However, this demon, god, of creatures that can be changed infinitely in the legend can be found in nature? Does it really exist in nature?
In the study of Yi Master Chen Yi Kui, the truth of "dragon" has long been found in the account of the ancient classics and Yi Ching.

Most people may have no concept of the Book of Changes, but thanks to Jin Yong's martial arts novel, everyone has idea with"see the dragon in the field," "Kang regret," "flying dragon in the sky," "Qianlong not use" and other terms. Since ancient times, the "dragons" mentioned in the Book of Changes have different interpretations of the hundreds of people. Some interpret the abstract as a symbol of the gentleman's dignity, while others interpret it as a divine biological. However, after decades of research, Chen Yikui finally confirmed that the prototype of the legendary "dragon" is actually "thunder", that is, the lightning thunder we are familiar with.

The whole explanation of "dragon" in the Book of Changes is actually an account of our ancestors' cultivation and survival in nature. Because the thunder and lightning have a very important impact on agricultural society, modern scientific research also confirms that when the sky thunderstruck, it will produce a large amount of nitrogen compounds in the atmosphere. As the rain drops in the air, it will form a fertile ground Nitrogen fertilizer has a direct impact on crop yields. With this understanding, we can understand the part of the Book of Changes talking about the "dragon." The next sentence of "see the dragon in the field" is "Favorable to see gentlemen", in fact translated into our understandable language is "When the field saw the thunder, is a harbinger of harvest, bumper harvest, so the tribe will be able to show excellent offspring. " In another hexagram, "the war dragon is in the wild, its blood is mysterious," is actually a description of the flooding caused by heavy rains and the turbidity of the river.

The "dragon" in Chinese culture is actually "thunder". This is a great discovery unprecedented. It is also one of the greatest achievements of Dr. Chen Yikui in studying ancient wisdom.
