Environmental Feng Shui - I Ching -
Word class:

Environmental Feng Shui

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

Feng Shui exists in mankind itself, it will be used to pursue good fortune and avoid disaster, which is the beginning of Feng Shui theory; in the era of ape-men, recorded in the history of the began of human, but in the beginning is just for a good luck and away to avoid disasters, all depend on their own feelings. Has been evolved to fully set the foundation mode was in the Tang Dynasty, then Feng Shui's basic model was stable. The stability of the Tang Dynasty was focus on the entire environment, from where we can tell that? From Japan. Because Japan is the first design environment, drainage, ponds, raising carp, pine trees, banyan trees, including the height of tatami mat have its rules in the whole process of building Feng Shui. Because Japan sent many people to study in the Tang Dynasty, they claimed to be the great people in the world, called the Great Nation, as long as any good foreign cultures would become their culture. After the Japanese came to the Tang Dynasty, they took the whole culture back and turned into theirs , including the feng shui. In the Meiji Reformation time they sent people to Germany, they moved the entire German culture back. You go to Japan is walking on the left, the right will break the law, this left is the whole model from Germany.

When evolved into the late Tang Dynasty, there was Yang Junsong's compass, and by the middle of the Song dynasty, the theory of compasses was used the cooperation between the entire Gua and the Compass. Ming Dynasty use a large number of compass, in Ming Dynasty Wanli 29 years by the influence of the Matteo Ricci, all feng shui book were burned, so chaos, it influence the entire Ming Dynasty, so the entire Ming Dynasty collapsed.

Professor Chen Yi Kui said from here you can understand the application of faith is very important to a national, when you rely on god for living, when the god is destroyed, then your group collapsed, like the Soviet Union's economy policy It is a communist model, communism disappears when communist beliefs collapse. Is communism in mainland China still there? It is not called communism, it called socialism, reform and opening up to socialism for money.

Why are we cheated so easily? Because in Taiwan many are believed in feng shui, it is easy to lie to other people's money. But after you understand this system of substance, we are talking about a very important system of any study, it requires a unified formula of explanation. If you apply it, it can produce a reasonable effect, you must have a logical explanation. The whole explanation of Feng Shui and logic is that the Japanese explained, and explained the relationship between the two series, the series of people and the environment. Because of the Japanese explanation, it is possible to make progress to the present studies in universities in the West, where the environment affects people's psychology and physiology. Therefore, the Western practice is the psychology of the environment and the physiology of the environment. Since it can produce the physiological and psychological influence with the relationship between man and the environment, so the Japanese put Feng Shui as a human magnetic field with the overall environmental magnetic field relationship.
