The Mode of Applying the Theory of Feng Shui - I Ching -
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The Mode of Applying the Theory of Feng Shui

(by Master ChenYiKui)

In modern times, of course, people are not willing to be passive observers. After thousands of years of observation and induction, the function of Feng Shui has evolved from "survival observation" to "survival competition". Information on Feng Shui has evolved into a number of skills that can be used and is good at using to those who are masters of the game. In the course of competition, information on feng shui can often take the lead. On the contrary, if you can not take advantage of feng shui theory and lag behind,destined to lose the tragic fate.

This result, of course, is very real, but the real situation is the case, and for thousands of years without exception.

From the advantages of the whole theory of the system, even if the original conditions are worse, the situation is unfavorable, the winner who ultimately wins must be the one who enjoys the superiority from the theory of Feng Shui, and the theory of Han survival. At the time of the Qin Dynasty, the imperial court was the Great Qin Empire, a powerful group that accumulated hundreds of years of foundation from the Spring and Autumn Period, and turned all six of its mighty enemies into its own possession. However, such a huge force met with slaughter dogs gang leader Liu Bang Group, under the competition still a failure.

In the Qin Dynasty, known as the strongest empire in history, there was only Zhao Gao at the end, but in the Liu Bang group among the "thieves nest," it was a group of extremely excellent generals. Among these people, Xiao Ho's logistical homework and Han Xin's war art are all the top wisdom inherited from the Chinese trigram, the Book of Changes and Feng Shui.

At the end of the Ming dynasty, the Zhu family dominated by the Han nationality evolved into later generations but lost the ability to utilize the Chinese people's living culture. Instead, the Aixinjueluo clan came from the Qing Dynasty outside the Land, the leader Huang Taiji, DollErGuen are all experts in Chinese culture, especially the study of geomancy, even more than the Ming Dynasty, so once the two armies against each other, the pros and cons immediately split out .

From this we can see that under the preface to "success," how many prosperity or failure depends on the real key, irrespective of the causes and consequences, whether far or near, the most important key is actually the philosophy of Feng Shui.

In the field of geomancy, the origins of House feng shui originated in Zhou dynasty, not the Yellow Emperor era. The rule of Zhou Gong era, which was used in pioneering the city-state and seeking good place for habitat, is called "Buji Residence", which means using the theory of trigram, the Book of Changes and Feng Shui to pass down the theory of one continuous vein to find the most suitable, positive energy sensing of the place of residence.

From the current perspective, this is the earliest residential feng shui application model.
