Feng Shui, Oxygen, Health (6)Evil gas (Sha Chi) purging method - I Ching -
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Feng Shui, Oxygen, Health (6)Evil gas (Sha Chi) purging method

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

Evil gas (Sha Chi) purging method

In general, the Sha Chi contains toxin, which is mostly protein toxin. The protein toxin is inflicted in a small amount. Invaded by this toxin causes a chain reaction that can cause bleeding death, or interfere with the control of the nervous system. And conduction and death, often after inflation of evil spirits, go back home face turn into black, shock, this death is caused by toxin hemorrhagic chain reaction. If it is evil spirits, after go home his feet sore and weak, lie in bed fall asleep until death, this death is caused by the destruction of the nervous system.

In the past, the northeastern China's Yellow River basin, in order to drive away evil spirits people will carry willow branches, we think that willow branches are driven away evildoing, is not, according to Dr. Chen Yi Kui’s long-term study is the role of folic acid, living plants have a wave itself. This wave of material is the wave produced by the life of folic acid, can inhibit evil spirits of the virus.

Many years ago, Kirlian, a motor technician from the former Soviet Union, published Koriian photography, using ultra-high voltage to energize the object placed on the light-sensitive film, to leave the energy of the object on the film. Wave image. Someone once used the broken leaves did Klian photography. The result was a leaf image which turned out to be a complete leaf image. In some experiments, the leaves of the tree can be used to judge the pests in nearby trees. Some people used this technique many years ago into the body aura field camera.

Dr Chan Yi Kui and a team of researchers used Krian photography to conduct behavioral science research, to determine from the images of the person whether or not the individual was or was not a criminal. He also wrote a report on the study, hoping to be transmitted through a unit to superior units, at that time, a military person was sent to meet for discussion and finally to the high-level office. Their expert opinion considered it absurdly rejected.

Evil spirits also have weaknesses, once oxidized will die, but the human body has too much positive ions can not oxidation evil spirits poisoning, showing that the human body is too much positive ion is bad luck, if there are people who travel abroad perhaps the experience of being electrostatically charged by elevator is the result of the positive ions in our body being released, after they have been negatively charged by the elevator (the elevator has to be treated with a true grounding line), so the bad luck people go abroad, two weeks later returned the luck has changed.

Protein poisoning is not antidote, only the serum is useable, this serum injected into an animal, the animals produce antibodies, and then extract the antibody-containing blood, remove the blood protein and hemoglobin inside became anti toxic serum. When the original SARS virus epidemic no cure, was use the blood recovered from infected patients to create a serum in patients with fever, so that patients with antibodies, such as the rapid recovery of patients with his blood to make blood save others, a person’s blood two people can be saved, person dead in front was because no serum for him. Healed lungs have fibrosis scars, the sequelae can be treated with seed oil!

In the past, Dr. Chen Yikui often under extreme pressure cause the stomach bleeding, the doctor said after gastric bleeding there will be a scar left in the stomach, should go scalpel surgery, Dr. Chen Yi Kui did not accept, must love with his own solution, use of seed oil, after a period of time went to the hospital for check up, the stomach did not leave scars.
