(10)The Formation of the Book of Changes and Human Relations : HeTu LuoShu - I Ching -
Word class:

(10)The Formation of the Book of Changes and Human Relations : HeTu LuoShu

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

The Gua existed at the time of Shennong, but at that time, we did not talk about Gua, it talked about classification. Humans need to exist. We must continue down and we must eat these things. The earliest people are not very easy to eat pigs. The time was Fuxi's netting at that time, many tools, low in food, and the highest ones might have eaten poultry, such as ducks or geese, and insects. 

In fact, people went to eat beasts. It is a matter of very later on. In the time of the Yellow Emperor, he knew how to use many tools. But did not wrote down anything in history. Only Fuxi used the trees to bind and pickle something. In the progress of mankind, it is very important to have a rope. Why is there a rope? In the Yellow Emperor’s time, when the ancestors had to eat insects, they found that the silkworms were able to whip and weaving. Only when they knew that was going to get this cloth, in addition to the tools, there must be a rope and the rope should be drawn out. . 

After the tools have been roped up, all the tools have progressed very quickly. Let us think about it. The engine system of our locomotives, including the belts of generators, is the principle of the ropes. It has always evolved and evolved into people. At the time, all of these Guas were used. This era used Gua in the human body. 

HeTu LuoShu

In Shennong's time, it was applied to all living beings, like flowers, seeds, and when were they used on the land? In fact, it was very early and the records were relatively late. The records of these books were completed in the Zhou dynasties. They were very complete in the Zhou dynasty, and then came to the Han dynasty. They were applied to the surface of our planet and related to people. Everyday, people are emphasizing HeTu LuoShu book, emphasizing this thing, but not being able to explain clearly. What does the river map out? do not know. What book? do not know.

In fact, it was a continuation and record of the Zhou Dynasty. It was written very clearly and the river represented the Yellow River. Luo represents Luo river. The two meeting points are Henan. Henan used this thing to discuss the existence of human existence.
