(17)The Formation of the Book of Changes and Human relations :The Origin of Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic - I Ching -
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(17)The Formation of the Book of Changes and Human relations :The Origin of Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

In Yi Jing, one is to represent the heavens and the other is to represent people activities, and another to represent the earth. When the Warring States period, the battles among the state-owned schools and scholars, there were people who have studied, specifically talks about these theories. Like Lao Zi theory of people, he understands the theory. He was looking to the heavens.After heaven, he thinks of people. He did not talk about eating. Those who say that they study eating will put this Gua on the person, because people eat, and they will also use the principle of trigram.

The Origin of Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic 

So at that time, it developed a fairly good set of theories. At that time, the theory was to use a dialogue between the Yellow Emperor and the QiBo. It was called the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic. When a person have problems what did that person have to eat? In addition to this kind of research, the Shennong Bencaojing was produced. 

Who will talk about human behavior? Confucius, the act of general activity, is spoken by Confucius. He answered the question by using the usual question between the student and the students. After the answer was completed, he made more articles in the communicative part of the Book of Changes. He talked about people. He had to talk about what the gentleman must do. How did you know how to be a gentleman? He did not talk about how to be a gentleman. He talked about how you should be a gentleman. 

But other people say that people's pain is also can handled with Gua . Like the names of all acupuncture points in the Huang Di Nei Jing Ling Shu, Professor Sun Pei Rong said that his teacher's teacher told his teacher that the names of these acupuncture points were taken by Wu Qi, a military strategist, during the Warring States period. At that time, only eight Gua to eight pulses were used by them. The acupuncture points in them were taken down with the names of the place the war were taken. Therefore, among your hands and feet, knees, bones, seas, and valleys are all taken by place names. 

After the Tang dynasty, feng shui was combined with the body. The teaching of feng shui was on the earth. The Yi Jing Eight trigram seems to contain everything. The balance between the universe and the Qian Dui Li zhen Xun Kan Gen Kun, how to combine with people's trigram, this must use the discussion of the unified field theory. 

The proper term for the unified field was what Einstein said, which uses a formula, a common symbol, and a formula that can be solved to bring together a principle of physics and chemistry. This is not the case now. It seems that in terms of physics, electricity returns to electricity, magnetic fields to magnetic fields, gravitation to gravity, and movement to sports. Not the same as having different mathematics, different algorithms.
