The seed of Feng Shui transformation - I Ching -
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The seed of Feng Shui transformation

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What is Feng Shui? Teacher Chen Yikui said: “The wind is the air, and the water is the drinking water. The combination of the two is the definition of feng shui.” After defining the feng shui, there should be different thinking and insights for the drastic reform of the house.

The concept of modern education, after thousands of years of education, is still attached to the ancient Feng Shui studies, and it has not completely escaped its ambiguity. Believers believe that it is necessary to seek points for a good feng shui treasure place. Those who do not know are considered superstitious. Of course, more people are thinking Feng Shui as joke, only Dr Chen YiKui spent many year of experiments, in between the ancient and modern, found some proves for truth, and he open all his studies, share Them with everyone.

Thanks to Professor Chen Yikui’s research, I used the Golden pathos Technology to improve the quality of air in my home. My friend visited my house and was not surprised at the fresh air in the home.

After the successful use of plants to improve the indoor air, the outside balcony also wanted to be reconstructed. A blueprint was designed and planned. The design was beautiful and dreamy, but it was not practical and pricy; so the reference to “the use of seeds to create potted plants”. The books, used the seed of the fruit of the season,  watching the seed changes observed after sowing, the birth of a new life, is so incredible and surprising.

The gardens cultivated by oneself are planted under hard work. There are avocado, orange, citrus, papaya, mango, carambola, guava and so on.... Each time standing in the garden, can enjoy the flowers that are growing, and also pleasing to the eye, the city distributes, and the turbid gas has gradually been diluted by these plants. After the air is transformed, it becomes very good. Wind and water are flowing in the garden and slowly into the home. For the family life, great chemical changes have occurred, and the husband and wife have love. Family harmony, career and work are all straightforward ...; simply use one seed to create a balcony, landscaping and improve the air, how can it not make people excited?
