Application of Lingshu and Suwen (1) 1 - I Ching -
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Application of Lingshu and Suwen (1) 1

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

This is very different from western medicine. Because Western medicine cures any disease in itself, it makes an exact check on your body. It is a comparative practice. A healthy person has a list. Here is a list of people who are sick. A healthy list is based on your symptoms. If you have a dizzy test, you should have a heme and blood sugar... something related to dizziness. Check it out and compare it with the health side. There are fewer or more in the comparison to make decision. Determine what your illness is. If you have too much, what medicine will I use to make you eliminate it? If you have too few things, what medicine will I use? How much will you increase? This is an absolute practice that Western doctors do.

Western medicine also has an absolute approach is surgery. What is a healthy person's stomach looks like, But if an unhealthy stomach adds an egg, then the knife will use, and the egg is removed. If a tumor is added, remove the tumor and add anything removed it. Standing in terms of Western medicine, it is a very scientific thing, but alternative therapies are not, alternative therapies are a kind of feeling of a person, I feel hungry, alternative therapies are very simple, if you feel hungry, the first one is for you to eat a bun, and as a result the more I eat even more hungry, Alternative therapies do not necessarily make you eat steamed buns. You have to eat something that is the opposite of steamed bread. Why is the opposite thing? You are hungry! I'll give you steamed bread. Then when you're full, but you feel hungry. Then where are the problems? In stomach acid! Because the carbohydrate inside the steamed bread stimulates the stomach wall, gastric acid will be secreted in a large amount, probably reflecting a person's stomach is not thin, with the stomach acid itself, including the vagus nerve inside. When many people feel hungry and uncomfortable, using something else that contains alkaloids can produce your stomach acid secretion, including your vagus nerve blocking him and feeling that my stomach will not be hungry. Now, many people use this method to lose weight. With a little bit of ephedrine for you, add a bit of Corydalis to your medicine. After you eat, you not feel hungry and you can lose weight.

This is the difference between western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, but the hungry medicine of western medicine immediately measures blood sugar, and when it does have low blood sugar. Using glucose to make you feel like you are not hungry, this is the practice of Western medicine. But the alternative therapy is not the practice of using his own feelings. Let us provide him with the role of this kind of role. What kind of role? His painful effects disappeared, and there were several of them in the role of alternative therapies. In the case of traditional Chinese medicine, there are two battalions and two wards that are theories, and the theory spoken by the NeiJin; this theory is then to nutri and output. In the general alternative to traditional Chinese medicine, it has 1. Resonance method, interference method (usually use utensils. Magnetic. Mine.) 2. Push method and pull method.

There are several types of instruments used in the Resonance and Interference method. One is electricity, the other is magnetism, and then is mine. Resonance and interference are now very popular. From the year 1971 to the Republic of China in sixty years, it was when acupuncture was hype, people who probably studied the physics research current studied too much on this electricity. There are now DC-waves, AC-waves, from 1983 to 1989.

About the physiology of Western medicine, there are only few students, why are few? Those who want to learn this are people who do not have the basic skills of Western medicine. People who have a Western medicine foundation want to take the path of western medicine, and they do not want to take alternative therapies. This is very important. In the alternative therapy, there is a push and pull. Now there are a lot of massages that take foreign licenses directly to Taiwan and make a famous name called Chiropractic. In mainland China, it is called overall restoration. In fact, it is push and pull, it as something like this.

There are two ways of eating: 1. Raw food method. Cooked food method. 2. Nutrition method. 3. Minerals method, it is different in the method of eating, I have experimented before, I use raw food method created a lot of miracles. I once taught people to eat raw pig livers and pig gall bladders... probably the whole world, push this raw food first. In fact, the earliest alternative Chinese medicine alternatives are raw foods, so Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs. Did not tell that the herb was cooked before eating it. It was eaten raw. This is a prerequisite. Chinese pills, powders, soups and medicines that are known to everybody in China are different. All pills are probably called one of the raw food methods. Some things like Liu Wei Di Huang Wan are processed and are equivalent to raw ones. It was pulverized but not cooked.

There are many ways to eat raw food. Now everyone takes a lively diet. Some people say that “Mr. Chen Yikui’s vitality in the development of a healthy diet has become so great”, I said that the Chinese were engaged in a livelihood diet 6 or 7 thousand years ago. Isn’t it true that our Shen Nong tastes a hundred herbs? So now everyone is retro, because we have a lot of things that we can't do with the current methods. We have to find an ancient record that has existed and let us exist. Today's raw food diet encourages raw food method, but the encouragement of raw food is somewhat different from the raw food method I used to promote; now all raw food diets are probably vegetal, so I promote animalism. But a very nasty drawback is that freshness includes parasites. This is a science and technology, not our personal aspect, and it is relatively low in the process of handling.

In terms of so many functions, Chinese medicine practitioners have gone to camps, guardians, supplements, output. All we need to teach now is alternative therapies on this side because you teach this will conflict with Chinese Dr now, also we do not have Chinese medicine license, only thing we do is a way we can go and also effective, that’s the way we are going.
