DouShu Hua Ji to change luck (Jia,Yi, Bing) - I Ching -
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DouShu Hua Ji to change luck (Jia,Yi, Bing)

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

Zi Wei Dou Shu-purple star

Hau Lu indicate money, fate, concern, increase, taste (often someone asks you out to eat), pay, this pay is to be able to come back to pay you.

Hua Quan meaning of the power, the subjective, the authority, the desire, and the dual ownership of power.

hua Ke indicate main fame, writing, examinations and rules are well-defined, and some people think that hua Ke can write articles well.

Hua Ji indicate jealousy, trouble, avoids the right and wrong, accidents, running, and setbacks.

Tai Yang Hua Ji

Jia, Lian Zhen breaks the sun Wu, and born in Jia year is the sun-Tai Yang-Hau Ji. The sun is Bing, is fire, representing as the father's star, and is bright, fraternal, and devoted, and like the sun giving every day. Where is the fame? Where is it? On the fresh water, you can see the sunset, the autumn sunset is the most beautiful, especially the golden sun is really beautiful on the sea, the sun is giving.

Whenever the sun is destructive by Hua Ji, its starry nature is impaired. It often leads to unnecessary troubles because of the initiative giving. Because it represents the father star, so it is not as close to the father. Jia year brown person with Sun Hua Ji, most of them are not close to their parent. Nine of the ten are accurate, especially now the society seems to have that with their parents. The sun Hua Ji person is easy to talk back to the parents. If is not talk back, either you are stupid or low IQ. In experience, the sun in illness palace can be guessed that he is nearsighted. Eighty percent are accurate, because the current many children have more myopia, the sun is bright, so it is related to the eyes.

Sun Hua Ji, for male is frustrated by the reputation of the main business, female marriage is a major cause of twists and turns, fame is the official on the birthday eight character, and the frustrated of fame for women are bound to twist and turn in their marriage.

TaiYi Hua Ji

Taiyin Hua Ji entered the life palace is considered that the physiological function will be a little worse, some people think that memory will not be good, there are a number of Chinese medicine research that the number of people who think that Taiyin Hua Ji into the Life palace will be kidney deficiency or neurasthenia and so on.

Taiyin is the Gui water representative of the mother, wife, daughter, and the gentleness, the rest estate property, in Gua, sun is Qian, TaiYin is Kunin t. Will the real estate temper be gentle? You dig a hole or nail on the ground, it is all Ok with it. So we said that the real estate is very gentle. It is wrong to use real estate as a solid in many interpretations. In gua, it is as parent. It is parents, because he is gentle and will hug you. How do they hold you? Hold you in your form. No matter how chaotic the traffic to our house, the house is tender and waiting for you to go home. The Chinese people need their mothers very much. Especially Taiwanese people need mothers whether they are single or double-parent families. So we educated them and everyone wanted to buy a house.

When the taboos of Taiyin are damaged, their star damage is often caused disputes over the family. A house needs to hold your hands. If they are attacked, you will not be able to embrace you very tenderly, or encounter the mother will have frozen shoulder, or if her arms are injured, the pain she is holding you will be even more painful than if you were held by her. This is Family disputes.

It is also easier to be emptier in spirit. Why motherhood is very important? There is a dependence on you. Like people who quarrel with their mother, they are very strong outside and their hearts are empty.

Because TaiYin also represents the mother, TaiYin Hua Ji represents the comparison with the mother missed, so Yi year brown person TaiYin Hua Ji into the parents palace contradiction with the mother, indicate not close to the mother, how to influence the effect of the taboo into the parents palace? How much weight it has? In 30% of the cases, the palace of the parents, the palace of triad relations and opposite palace are all affect the parents' palaces. If the parents' palace is in Zi, then Shen Zi Chen  is a triad, and the Wu is the oppsite palace. Therefore Shen Chen Wu Palace has an influence on the parents' palace.

Although TaiYin Hua Ji is filial piety, but it will talk back, one hundred about 90 will be so, together with the punishment, against, control, the male will be weak, there is no opinion, is not conducive to marriage, emotional instability for female, vulnerable to the surrounding environment temptation.

The reform luck change method is to use the Jia gallbladder, Yi liver, Bing small intestine, Ding heart, Wu stomach, Ji spleen, Geng large intestine,  Xin lungs, Ren bladder, Gui kidneys.

Daily breakfast eat pig liver boiled with green onion soup, eat soybeans, green soybeans is the kind of green soybean fried with shrimp, the soybean film can be removed to eat, also take a complete compound vitamin synthesis.

Lian Zhen hau Ji

Lian Zhen is Ding fire, also known as Prisoners and Five Ghosts. He has a very keen sense of the sixth sense. The PR's skill are very good. Lian Zhen calls Five Ghosts in Feng Shui. The Dou Shu began in the Song Dynasty and Chen Xiyi started. Feng Shui is the Tang Dynasty. It can be seen that many term in Zi Wei Dou Shu are borrowed from Feng Shui.

Lian Zhen Hua Ji is seriously suspicious and the other half do not dare to compliment, so the emotional relationship tends to twists and turns, often trapped in love, because of their strong sensitivity to communication, so often will walk on the edge of the law, should be careful lawsuit includes the official authority side and the imprisoned officer. Everyone hates Lian Zhen. It is better to use pig heart than the small intestine and eat a complete compound vitamin, which contains vitamin B12. B12 absorbs and metabolizes in the small intestine. This stage helps hematopoiesis, and B12 and organic iron together will crate hemolysis. Increase the oxygen that we breathe from the lungs. Its adhesion is high. Oxygen is highly attached to hemoglobin, so there will be no lack of oxygen, and your own activity will be strong.
