Yang House (30)Induction of the house (1) - I Ching -
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Yang House (30)Induction of the house (1)

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

Inductive mode, a lot of women, are generally neutral, induction to the man's bad side probably the wife feels it first, if it is in the bad side is Kan, the head is the brain nerve, so it is easy to neurasthenia. Generally, this kind of neurasthenia, a kind of disturbance of the magnetic field itself, probably has several kinds of minerals no way to balance them. The first one is that magnesium has no way to balance, the second potassium, the third calcium, then you can't say that magnesium can't be balanced to buy a spotlight, you can't, you can swallow the whole potassium. If you want to have calcium, you can bite two stones, you can't. So now there are a lot of mistakes under this kind of thinkings. Many doctors will tell you that when you can not sleep at night, you should not eat dinner. You drink a lot of milk two hours before going to bed at night. The milk has calcium, didn’t expect to find it after 20 years of experimentation, there is no effect at all. Finally, it is found that the calcium of milk can not be absorbed without vitamin D, so many people add vitamin D to the milk powder.

Supplying the right amount of minerals can adapt to the wrong interference of the residential door. If your electromagnetic wave is 3.5×10 -6, assuming the wavelength is like this, I will release a wavelength of 3.66×10 -6 here, then you will be disturbed, then when you adjusted yourself to 3.66, and it was very smooth. I just use this model of Western technology to understand it, and understand how to change it.

The northern Kan is water. We adjust our body and use water. If your door is north and it is wrong. I can't adapt it. Then 18 kinds of minerals are supplied. After the combined northern water system problem is solved. From the bladder all the way down, including the back and heel. If Dad has wrong direction and Dad is not ill, then the child will be sick, he must have a night's urine at night. Because the bladder is weak, he will have nocturia at night, because the minerals in the child cannot be balanced.

Then there are Chou Gen Yin in the northeast, and it inductive in year of Hai Mao Wei. People in Li, Kan, Zhen, Xun LIfe Gua, to the northeast will have an interference reaction. How does the interference induce on the human body? This place belongs to the liver, the Gen is a hand, or belongs to the stomach, the Yin is the lungs, the lungs are the main spleen and hair, including the moor that can not be seen by hand.

If there is a disturbance, when it interferes with convulsions, it is easy to be allergic, bronchitis is easy after lung allergy, or it is easy to asthma.

If you get it right in the northeast, you can turn your hand into a omnipotent, really know how to use all aspects of your artistic skills to make big money. Among the 28 stars, the one on the Gen side is called Tian Siyuan, which is dedicated to business, but you must live in the right place. Some people say such a good feng shui, you don't have that kind of life to have it, so the former talents said that Right place for good people to live, not everyone can get it. In fact, the result of my research is not, it produces this wave, you have not sense this sensor, then you can't feel it!

The process of liver development is too great. There are probably tens of thousands of enzymes in our body, all related to the liver. The liver uses carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, proteins, essential fatty acids, and the whole process is combined to create a lot of enzymes. The enzyme also provides human synthetic hormones, which synthesizes a lot of what we humans need. The four yuan that we just talked about received the liver from here, so the whole enzyme of the liver is synthesized and becomes highly sensitive to money.

Your liver must be well protected, and the immune system will be very strong. If you invest into anything, you will be able to be experts in that area, no matter what you put in. Because your resources are very rich! You will have whatever what you want to do.

If you follow the wrong side, your liver may have problems. Your entire model of making money and your own judgment will cause problems, because your enzymes are disturbed, and some will have allergic problems, skin, hair, mucous membrane problems. Some mucosal problems, if she is a Kan, is a problem of uterine mucosa, kan belongs to the water belongs to the uterus, sometimes produces lesions, like cervical erosion, uterine fibroids, there are many women now, about 65 to 70 percent Women have fibroids, only big or small.
