Feng Shui (28)God position, toilet, door orientation - I Ching -
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Feng Shui (28)God position, toilet, door orientation

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

Feng Shui must have a very important god position, but as a result of the research, it is a psychological problem. It is not a big problem in Feng Shui. But if you believe in God very much, you can use it to help others to improve the whole problem of psychology, you may feel effective. This is a key point. If he is educated in the West, then you don't have to emphasize the position of God.

In all the previous records, including the results of my statistics, what and why probably sick. I counting down and changing the previous way. It is easy or not for a person to get sick, and suffer from the whole interference is the door, including the door to the furnace direction, and the toilet position.

The location of this toilet is not what I found. At that time, when was in the Qing Dynasty, there was a man named Zhang Jiuyi. He emphasized that his student once wrote a book called Yang Zhai San Yao. He mentioned the whole toilet problem, sometimes it emphasized the problem of the bed. I don't mention the bed problem now, why? The problem with the bed has been the most obvious emotional problem in my research for so long.

Personal Gua

The problem of the door direction must take into account the induction of the whole function. When the time the Jinguang Dou Jingjing appeared, it was also after the Daoguang, then the emphasis on people with their life gua was at that time. The people who studied at that time did not study a very thorough logic. Some people thought that according to the morning of the first day of the old calendar, the life gua should be separated. In the end, there must be a faction in the beginning of the spring to be the separation of life gua, and later evolved into the winter solstice, the separation of life gua and responsibilities, this is a very difficult one.

In the 62nd year of the Republic of China, I set up a Taipei Acupuncture Center. When I had a lot of free clinics, everyone wanted to learn acupuncture and Yijing. I started to use this logic as a statistic. At that time, the participants were all intellectuals. There is no psychological research institute. Many students from the Department of Psychology of National Taiwan University participate in it. They use what we just said. Some use the winter solstice. Some people use the spring point. Some people use the lunar calendar on January 1, at the end all have staggered accurate and inaccurate. Finally, in the 69th year of the Republic of China, when the Foundation for the Study and Development of the Foundation of Yijing was established, a large number of national notifications were issued to study the Yijing and the entire residential environment. Everyone was indifferent and no one responded. In the Republic of China 71 years. At that time, the central government directly said that Chen Yikui would teach the relationship between Yijing Science and acupuncture. A total of 15 classes, 100 classes and 1,500 people were taught. I made a lot of statistics and finally decided to set the exchange point in the solar calendar. The Zi time on the morning of January 6.

The East Fourth Life and the West Fourth Life have its basis. There are two formulas for deducing the East Fourth Life and the West Fourth Life. I am using the General AD in foreign countries. We use the western year to calculate the number. If it is 1, it is kan. 2 Kun, 3 Zhen, 4 Xun, 5 male Kun female Gen, 6 Qian, 7 Dui, 8 Gen, 9 Li.


11-(Year of birth/9, take the remainder) = A. If A is greater than 9, A-9=a number


4+ (year of birth/9, take the remainder) = A. If A is greater than 9, A-9=a number

East Fourth Life: 1 kan, 3 Zhen, 4 Xun, 9 Li

West Fourth Life: 2 Kun, 5 (female is Gen, male is Kun), 6 qian, 7 Dui, 8 Gen

For related content, please refer to the article: Yangzhai (28)
