Feng Shui (38)Ion induction, wind direction - I Ching -
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Feng Shui (38)Ion induction, wind direction

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

What is the reason for influencing feng shui in this universe? It is air, water, including a lot of gravity, or magnetic force. Then, what kind of people affect these things, your good luck is not good, if your house's door is wrong, and you have to go in and out many times every day, go out in the morning, come in the evening, this is in and out twice, this is called the cycle (Hes). What cycle is it that you enter the house twice a day? How many cycles (Hess)? You break twenty-four hours into two seconds. 60 times a second is called 60 hess, once a second is a Hess, we only go twice a day, become two plus a few seconds, 60 seconds multiplied by an hour and 24 equals 86,400 points. It is divided into a Hess of 43200. Our Hess produces a wave, and another wave comes back. This wave is called the ultra long wave between waves.

When you go to worship in Tibet, when they go to worship, they must be squatting one kilometer away from the temple. They all have a fixed rhythm. They must take a few steps for one kneel down, that is, a Hess. There are many people who come back from worship and feel great whole body.

Oxygen in the feng shui environment must be sufficient, so it is necessary to exercise in  the park under the trees in the morning, the wind speed cannot be too strong. When the wind speed is too strong, this oxygen cannot exist. The oxygen for photosynthesis cannot exist, and it will not be good when it quickly blown away by the wind. There is an adjective called strong wind strong grass, so when you go to the country to see the limelight, the grass and the trees are short, and the same is true for people. So if you know Feng Shui, people who know this theory, you have to go to the park to exercise in the morning, you have to stand at the end of the wind in the woods, the wind blowing the wind, the breeze in the morning, if it is blowing the slight northerly wind, You are going to exercise on the southwest side of the tree.

When applying feng shui to produce health in a natural ecology, we must consider the whole problem of ions on our body. If your ion treatment is right, I think your feng shui is right. No matter what you put, it is to change the operation of ions on the body, including worshipping God.

The ions in our body are divided into two categories, one is a positive ion and the other is a negative ion. If there are too many positive ions in our body, people are prone to illness, especially cancer, what kind of positive ions? Like free radicals, they are all positive ions. Free radicals are derived from amino acids. In the process of oxidation of protein amino acids, if one oxygen is absent, two free radicals are produced. In this way, some people were asked not to eat meat, try to change to a vegetarian diet, because when eaten in the animal protein of meat, if you lack oxygen, it will produce two free radicals, so many religions advise people stop eating any meat. Many people over the age of 50 go to check cholesterol, cholesterol is high, especially the yellow people, Taiwanese people's cholesterol is slightly higher in the world, why? Taiwanese like to eat MSG. There is a kind of sodium glutamate in MSG. Sodium glutamate itself will make your cholesterol slightly higher.

So very hard working people with very high pressure are prone to cancer, why? Because people who work very hard with a lot of strength, it is easy to produce a lot of positive ions. He needs a lot of negative ions to be able to balance, just like saying that a chariot needs a lot of power to burn inside, it will emit a lot of smoke, the chariots are all eating diesel, then the smoke must have sulfites.

What is a positive ion? Like ammonia NH4, there is a positive ion inside. Like free radicals are acidic, called acidic or acidic foods. What is a negative ion? OH anion, seed oil will produce negative ions.

The whole problem of our blood vessels, bad cholesterol is stuck on the blood vessel wall, so your blood pressure can't gets down, it is related to ions. Positive ions will attract the blood vessel wall, then you must neutralize it with negative ions to let it detach. Some people produce a lot of positive ions between muscles. This block will cause pain, so some people will take a needle in the painful place to relieve pain. Where is the problem? Because when we are needled in, we will introduce negative ions. When the needle spreads inside, it will stop the pain. After the needle is pulled up, it will continue to gather and it will hurt again. What is the same as? Thunder hitting the same tree, you can hit it three times a day, why? Because of the negative ions generated by the wetlands under this tree, thunder is a positive ion in the sky, and we are negative ions on the ground. Thunder once is the positive ion running to the negative ion to neutralize.
