Lingshu and Shuwen Application (11) - I Ching -
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Lingshu and Shuwen Application (11)

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

About Shanghan Lun;Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases

The Confucianism and Taoism of the Han Dynasty have been separated from the witch doctors, and the doctors have also been independent from them. At this time, the doctors were only theories. When the Tang and Song Dynasties appeared, the Taoist Taoism believed that the paintings could control the ghosts, the real Taoist thought is the immortal thought of how to become a fairy in the future. It can't tolerate the practice of Zhang Tianshi's paintings and cursing the ghosts and gods. Later, in the Tang and Song Dynasties, the Eight Immortals crossing the sea was born. Confucianism is to respect ghosts and gods bit away from them, and not to control ghosts.

When the Han Dynasty was separated from the Witch Doctor, it was only a theory. At that time, there was a book written by Witch Doctor called Shanghan Lun;Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases. The Chinese medicine of Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases has eighty-eight flavors, and the prescription combination is only one hundred and three. The theory of Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases Part of the explanation is very good, but it is very difficult to treat the disease according to the content inside. It is the logic of design.

Dr. Chen Yikui did an in-depth study on why the use of eighty-eight herbs in the treatment of the cold, and found that these drugs were very common at the time and were very useful, and then based on a "surgery" which is what we now call "Yi". Sixty-four hexagram, eighty-eight medicinal herbs were chosen.

At that time, the doctors were the coordination of the spirit and the nerves. There is no such thing as the so-called bacterial virus in medicine. If you feel pain, you can describe it with the feelings of the time. Then the doctor will prescribe according to the corresponding symptoms, assuming that the head is suffering. In Zhou Yi’s theory, the head of the theory belongs to Qian trigram, and the Qian upper Gua has eight trigram, the lower Gua has seven trigram, all together is 15, and there are fifteen prescriptions related to the head. The most important thing is water. The book does not mention water. Prescription must have water to operate in the human body. By the way, water is an indispensable element in many religions.

The true practitioner of Chinese culture

Vegetarian people have bad eyesight, is because lacking of antioxidant foods, and plant-based seed oils are the best. The animal is fish oil. The fish has a good antioxidant ingredient. It is the omega 3 in the fish belly. It has the disadvantage that there will be a fishy smell in the hiccup. The Japanese will make a lot from the waste and make big money. Canada catches salmon more than the Japanese but does not make money. Canada is made into smoked salmons. The Japanese are fish-cut fish and salted with salt. The fish belly is collected and made into omega3 capsules. It is sold at high prices to the US and Canada to make more money. Taiwan also imports feed processed from waste materials from Japan. In addition, Japan supplies DHA to the world, and products classified into 8%, 16%, and 24% are sold to the world. Dr. Chen Yikui often said that our culture is really carrying forward. It is not that the Chinese but Japanese. They have turned Chinese culture into money. DHA is developed from the eyes and hearing sensors of fish, so they can understand that children who eat DHA will be good eyesight and very smart. But did you actually become smart when you ate it? I don't know.
