Lingshu and Shuwen Application (12) Over and under a single food (glucose) - I Ching -
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Lingshu and Shuwen Application (12) Over and under a single food (glucose)

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

Today's Western medical instruments and techniques have been very advanced. They are not in the same breath as Western medicine decades ago. In Western medicine, they do not accept some traditional experience and curative food. Once they accept it, all The treatment will be taken away, Chinese medicine does not need to see a doctor, Chinese medicine is not comparable to Western medicine in diagnosis, treatment of Western medicine covers everything, what Chinese medicine can be use?

If people want to live to 120 years old, they must have the theory of Chinese culture to cooperate with the knowledge and physiology of Western nutrition science, and medical care is only an aid. It is not medical treatment that can help to live to 120 years old. It is the application of our knowledge and methods can help we live long.

Sore throat

Dr. Chen Yikui lectured for a long time. He taught two lessons a day. Three hours of class, this is a big burden on the throat. It is a common problem for the throat to be painful. There is a simple and practical remedy for Dr. Chen Yikui. It has been used for forty years. Japanese potato starch powder and sugar add water to dissolve the sugar first, then stir the hot water to stir into a paste, which is very good for sore throat. Sore throat is caused by congestion. In the past, when the foot was swollen, with got bad rice to reduce swelling.

Taibai powder is potato starch, and sucrose is the starch of the grass family. Together, the allergic pain disappears, and the powder paste is swallowed bit by bit. Sore throat is heated, toothache is also getting heated, this is the best thing to anneal.

Single food too much or not enough

Some people have heard that eating grape seeds is good, and they eat grape seeds every day. From then on, this has become his belief. This food intake attitude is very bad. There used to be a person who was under great pressure and had high blood pressure. One day he saw a report saying that high blood pressure and high supply of mineral potassium can lower blood pressure. Bananas contain a lot of potassium, so he eats it every day, about two pounds of bananas, when they were eaten so much will have soft feet. This was the result of insufficient nutrition but the excessive supply of potassium. His salt was eaten very little because the doctor said that high blood pressure needs less salt. He had a son who couldn't stand it. He found Dr. Chen Yikui and took him to see Dr. Chen Yikui. He said that he went to the hospital to check that cholesterol and blood fat were getting higher and higher. He was very scared because he was afraid of death he would not let go of the banana, he asked the doctor to eat bananas will make cholesterol and blood fat high? The doctor said: no, eating bananas is very good. So he continued to eat bananas, and cholesterol blood fat has been rising all the time.

Blood fat comes from heat, heat comes from glucose, and a lot of glucose (from bananas) is immediately converted into blood fat by insulin. This is the reason why eating a lot of bananas raises cholesterol and blood fat. Dr. Chen Yikui told him that bananas eaten are too much. Be sure to reduce the amount, while eating meat and vitamins and green vegetables to improve the high cholesterol and blood fat, he did not believe, because the doctor told him that bananas can continue to eat.
