Book of Changes and Compendium of Materia Medica (4) - I Ching -
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Book of Changes and Compendium of Materia Medica (4)

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

Why do Qian good for brain and the invigorating brains use seeds? A lot of things will be produced after using the seeds for brain filling.

In obstetrics and gynecology, hormones are required to give birth to children. Male hormones make his sperm motile, and females use female hormones to make eggs mature. This way, it is easy to have children. The Chinese did not have any hormones before, so they must eat seeds and kernels. If a man can take in Chinese medicine and the sperm is highly mobile, it is related to the pituitary gland, which is to eat the head (Qian). Therefore, a very famous prescription is called Wuzi Yanzhong Pill.

I have published seeds in countries around the world for more than forty years. Unsaturated fatty acids can reduce blood fat and cholesterol. In the end, western research coincided with the method used in China, but the explanation was different. The interpreter is the head of the human body, but what is the head of the human body? In fact, the continuation of life, what is the continuation of life? The pituitary gland, including the head, cannot contain too much cholesterol or blood fat. They all use seeds to make decisions.

So I am fooled in this society. Many people praise and scolded me. Before women and men could not have children, I taught them to eat black beans and raw peanuts, because black beans are also benevolence. Soy beans with vinegar are called vinegar beans, vinegar beans are very good for lowering blood fat, and vinegar beans are also raw. If you are in various places without taking everything with you, then you can use your talents. You go there if there is no beans, eat kernels, no kernels, eat beans,

I used to go to the generation of Guanggou Village, Feisha, and Niutiaowan, Township, Yunlin County in the south. At that time, it didn’t even have electric lights. What I bring, I always use this kind of thing. If it's a leaf, I ’ll see what kind of leaves there are. There are sweet potatoes for sweet potatoes leaves, peanut leaves, every kind of leaves are used, but I like to use sweet potatoes leaves and water spinach most, because it belongs to Xanthaceae. In the past, vegetables of Xanthaceae did not need to use pesticides. Cruciferae and pak choi, the most used pesticides.

In winter, I like to use spring onions most. The spring onions are Japanese onions and Ilan onions. The older people has a tight heart, lacks calcium, stops menstruating, uses white small larvae and scallions with oil to warm and fry. The fish's water is gone, it will turn golden, and scallions and raw peanuts will be added. Use the remaining temperature of the fish to make the scallions spicy run to the larvae, menstruation will not hurt. Menopause does not insomnia.

Lily flower soup with broccoli must add mountain and seafood, ginger is mountain food, seafood is kelp leaves, and lean pork is also very good. How good is it? The child is weak and has no fighting spirit, has no energy during the day, and can’t sleep at night. Give him a pound of kelp per day, a pound of lean meat and a pound of golden lily flower, eat less than three pounds a day. The child can sleep and eat, got active in one week or two.

The sour plum soup, which is very famous in Beijing, must be added with osmanthus and many flowers. It was previously believed to be effective for asthma, and it is necessary to stew rock sugar, which is helpful for throat allergies.

Many flowers are eaten raw. After being eaten raw, when the petals in the morning are not yet in the sun, the petals that are picked contain fragrance because all the leaves have not been photosynthesized and have no oxygen. It also contains carbon dioxide, so it is very fragrant. If you eat this kind of flower, you only need to eat it for three years, and in the end you also have the taste of the flower. A very famous fact, Qianlong's favorite fragrant concubine is eating flowers.

Generally stem food, the very famous stem is lotus root, and the bamboo shoots that taste very delicious are also stems, both of which are quite good. Suppose you are afraid of being fat, your heat energy should be reduced, and your fiber value should be increased. You must eat bamboo shoots and lotus roots often. Some people think that bamboo shoots are easily cause stomach upset, so you can supply a little protein appropriately, like egg yolks. Generally, all the stems can provide a lot of fiber, so in my personal opinion, you only need to eat more stem foods to lose weight, so that you don’t hurt your body, take more activities, and provide a balanced supply of minerals and vitamins, and know how to convert fat into glucose .

Really the best skin, so many people have a cold right now, they should eat orange peel, how to eat orange peel. Now there is a tea called orange peel tea. After boiling, boil the raw orange peel and put the tea leaves to cook, pour it out, fragrant! When you want to add sweetness, use rock sugar, it tastes very good.

Eating oranges for coughing, the more you eat, the more coughing. For colds, eating an orange peel is effective, but orange peel may not cure cough.

If you like sour, add two or three slices of lemon when cooking, it will be sour and sweet. So the skin is very good in Chinese medicine. Poria is the only one that does not hurt the body and is diuretic. It will not hurt the kidneys.


Disclaimer: The foods and vitamins mentioned in this article are provided for advice, and they have no medical or therapeutic effects. Please refer to them yourself.
