(三十七) The Feng Shui faction popular in Taiwan in the early days - I Ching -
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(三十七) The Feng Shui faction popular in Taiwan in the early days

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

Chinese people can achieve a high level of fantasy illusion, all with artificial design, sitting and facing to the Qing Dynasty, Jiang Dahong has always stressed that sitting on the mountain must sit on the prosperous, based on this, set a rule, this was a gap between the Feng Shui and the Ming dynasty ZhuLi’s Feng Shui. The feng shui went to the Ming Dynasty. Xu Guangqi and the missionary Matteo Ricci combined to burn all the Feng Shui books. After the Daoguang, feng shui was dictated by mouth, so people who understand a little Feng Shui must create their own authority, so Feng Shui is divided into many factions. After the Wanli calendar, the Feng Shui book was burned out. Since then, Feng Shui has been divided into many factions. There is a faction that specializes in finding dragons and point. It is called qi, regardless of direction, as long as it goes down from Gaozu Mountain along the Zushan Mountain, the place where the cavities are finally found can be used. It is not necessary to talk about the direction and the water or collect the sand. This is a special in LiQi. It used to pay a lot of enthusiasm in Taiwan. Those people are free to talk about things and always think that they have got the truth.

In 1983, the ternary and ninth movements of Zeng XX in Taiwan have been widely promoted since 1959. In 1955, he started in Zhudong. Before this, Taiwan took Sanhe, and Sanhe was divided into two groups. One was called Fujian Zhangzhou Hongchaohe faction, one is the Quanzhou school, the two factions are probably the same. He pays attention to the days and the NaYin and pays attention to the divided line. The two factions must understand that the gold bucket, including the coffin of the funeral, must be marked with a golden line; after the two nails of the gold divide line nailed down, the NaYin of the deceased must be adjusted. And the direction of the Nayin cannot against, this is the HongChaoHe faction, this faction also attaches great importance to the selection of the day, the day of the selection is announced on the right side of the owner's living room door, must be announced that the number is how old of age, born in what year, suppose that today is the day that Ding You day what it against will be Qui Mao, so that the day when Ding’s day was chosen, the person born in the year of the Qui Mao can’t attend the funeral, partial against is Mao , and his days are chosen like this. The choice of the days is also very important. If the tomb is sitting east and facing west, then you can't choose the You day and the Si You Chou day, so there is not a few good days left to bury.

When Dr. Chen Yikui’s grandmother passed away in 1963, because Chen’s family was very large, there were five sons in each family. There were fifteen boys, and there was no day to be buried. What should I do? Putting the dead people there for fifteen days and one month will stink, so they will develop a barrel; at this time, the coffin sealing ceremony will be held first, and the usual sealing ceremony will be held on the day of the exile, and an axe will be used to tie a piece. Red silk cloth, tied with a nail to a red belt, only one, holding a plate, in the mouth to read the nails prosperous, two nails wealth slam, three nails XXX, this must read, and all the people who are kneeling in front of it must shout a word: "Good!" Chinese people, whether you are literate or illiterate, this ritual must be known. You can't say that you only look at the days but don't know the rituals. Foreigners don't, but you must know the truth. It doesn't matter if the rituals don't matter. This is two academically different places.

After the sealing ceremony is completed, it is necessary to hit the barrel. This must be sealed with gauze and tung oil to seal the fine seam of the coffin. After sealing, put the coffin on the two benches and place an oil lamp underneath. This is called the bucket, when will the oil lamp be taken away? On the day of the trip, after taking it, it was a ceremony of going out. When it went out, you still had to do the sealing ceremony. There must be a nail, a wooden plate, and an ax.

The other one is to use the method of three yuan and nine Yun. It is necessary to sit on the Wang facing Shuai. When he is in decline, his Gua line must return to the parents. What is it to return to the parents? Anyway, return to eight pure Gua, assuming that there is such a facing HaoTian DaYou Hexagram is the fire, then it has two uses, the fifth and second line can be used, because the second Yao turns the yin to the yin, becomes the fire, If you use the fifth as a direction, it becomes a pure Gua Qian, it is called a returning parent, purely Gua are parents, is the most important way of three yuan nine yun movement.

In 1968, Dr. Chen Yikui discovered that a large number of tombs that had been buried by the Great Three-Yuan Law had been removed. Since 1955, XX has been buried from Hsinchu to the Guanyin Mountain Lion Head in Taipei. From the top of the lion’s head, The whole waters of the Danshui River came over like this. When Zeng XX was buried a lot, it was just a Qian yun. It was just doing Qian sitting for the period work, sitting northwest face the southeast, and the southeast was period 4 luck, just bad luck, and it was buried in that place. Later, everyone felt that not good there, many people have moved.

After 1969, Teacher Wang thought that it was better to use the stars, the sand and receiving the water. Dr. Chen Yikui also began to make a lot of feng shui. He found that this method seems to exist. Around 1973, everyone thought that three yuan nine yun of the XX could not go. The past ternary from the south to the north was all three yuan nine yun. The ones that came across were all advertised as big three yuan, but Zeng XX was very clever, and he was very smart to the real top. He was good. He couldn’t take it anymore and stopped it in 1975. In Taichung, he worked together to set up a XX garden to make a bio-base, can do one bio-base for one million, and one red envelope then all his secrets were in it. What is the method? It is some sub-methods. What is the sub-law? It is a little bit that can't be seen. The largest birth base he has made is 16 million. The monument is granite imported from mainland China and covers an area of 200 ping.

I have previously talked about Dr. Chen Yikui's extensive research on the approach of stars and sands since 1969. It was confirmed in the 1980s that this method was really effective, and then began to publicly publish this method for everyone to learn, but all of them are studying in Taiwan. The people of the Sanyuan and Jiuyun Games, including the Zhangzhou School or Quanzhou, are still scoring him today.

Dr. Chen Yikui said why does he want to talk about so many development processes for everyone? Because studying science does not know what others are, how can you know if it is good or bad? Be sure to understand the benefits of others to be able to innovate your own things.
