(三十八) The effect of sand water on power - I Ching -
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(三十八) The effect of sand water on power

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

The former people used the dictatorship to lead the whole situation, so the feng shui must look for dragons and sands. To be dictatorial, you must speak the dragons. From the Gaozu Mountain to a mountain, finally to a certain point in the mountain, the era of dictatorship can't be done without it. At that time, we had to be dictatorial to control the whole society, and our group of slaves had to eat as long as the service was fine. The Japanese also took this road. The Tokugawa Shogunate era was very dictatorial. The Emperor Meiji was also very dictatorial. He invaded and invaded North Korea. So South Korea hated Japan, and invaded China. China ceded Taiwan to Japan and occupied the Northeast. He used the dictatorship to carry out the aggression plan. At that time, the Taiwanese were the slaves. I did not expect the Taiwanese to be the slaves of the Japanese, they could still get a bowl of rice and get the money, but it was very pitiful. Dr. Chen Yikui said when he was young. My grandmother took a train from Chiayi to Taipei for more than 40 yuan. At that time, the small worker had only seven yuan a day, and the big worker was fourteen. What is a big job? Big work is to cut rice. It takes three days to get a train, and now the big work is two thousand five hundred yuan. Chiayi to Taipei now only a bit more than 400 yuan. It can be seen that the former people are poor, and the poor are poorer, even can’t do anything for cars.

As a result of scholars' studies after the defeat of Japan, they believe that learning slaves can make other people's money in the way of service. If they have the opportunity to go to a Japanese department store to see it, their service staff is very polite, and many people, including those who have not traveled far. I went sightseeing, not to see what attractions, but I wanted to be respected by the Japanese department store lady. I felt very comfortable. When I came back, I was happy to brag about it. This problem is in service, so the Japanese put this service hangs in the mouth every day and turns into Japanese “service” in English. When the Japanese move, I will give you “service”, which means that I am serving you. It is translated from English into Japanese, and it is like this. Services make money, all kinds of industries use this way to earn the world's money.

20 years ago, there were Japanese investments in various regions of Asia. We became workers. The Japanese are the ones who serve you. They are all service providers. They are not slaves in manufacturing. Because our system is a system of dictatorship and slavery. Taiwan is a slave who is afraid to do it and want dictatorship; men used to be authoritarian and dictatorial. Wang XX is also the same. He hates to be a service industry. He has to be a small and medium-sized enterprise for dictatorship. He is anxious for slaves every day, and he checks his workers every day. Because of dictatorship.

This is two systems. The slave is to make money. The dictatorship is the power. In the future, if you want to make a lot of money, you must make sure that the water goes and the water comes in the future. If you want to be dictatorial, you must make the ins and outs including the sands. See them clearly.

There are several well-known legislators and several provincial councillors in front of the province. Everyone has a high reputation, but they are all heavily indebted because they are dictatorial. The background of the times is different. Now everyone has to be a slave. The service is good. It can make a lot of money. The result of the study is that the ins and outs of water of the Yin House is often more important than the ins and outs of mountain. Because it is a democracy, you really want the dictatorship to be cast aside. The sand has not yet arrived and already no one exists.

From the Middle East, there are dictators on the other side, because there is no water, and the sand desert areas must be dictatorial. If there is no way to confront the dictatorship when there is no dictatorship and no money, how can you do it well? The Chinese are going to practice the monastic way. When you are poor and want to coexist with the dictator and don't want to be a slave, then you have to cultivate the way, but you practice the monasticism on the mountain. There is no water on the mountain, no water, so poor. The monks are self-proclaimed to be poor. The former immortals are poor, and the richer immortals are going to take the boat. Therefore, the rich immortals are going to cross the sea, and there are eight immortals crossing the sea. Why do the rich people’s eight-character cross-seas are embroidered, because there is Money, this is observed by the Chinese, so I have time to go to the major temples or visit many temples, especially the eighteen arhats of Buddhism, the eighteen arhats are hungry skinny, they are all in the cave, Feng Shui is studying the life form observing, there is no such thing as secrets, how to deal with this environment, what is your purpose, to list these reasons, so very rich must be close to the water. If you want to make money in Taiwan, you can't run behind others. If you run behind the money-making people in Taiwan society, you won't make money, and you must create a way.

Sand has a system of element relationship and stars system. The two systems must be used in an interactive manner. It is difficult to use this system in the south. In particular, there are many graves beside the Tainan Air Force Airport. Dr. Chen Yikui has been studying there 30 years ago. I have studied before, when someone learned a little, it was very stinky, and promoted himself everywhere. At that time, Feng Shui was very profitable. Finally, he had the opportunity to show his skills. He prepared the tombstones and waited for to enter the golden bucket. The party was not there. The original party repented to find him to do the feng shui, but did not inform him to let him wait for a long time. Later, after tracing, he knew the horror of the Feng Shui faction. The owner listened to another Feng Shui guy. Speaking that if the bone were buried two sons were caught die in the 49 days, they were so scared to temporarily retreat.
