Fengshui Advanced Class (19) Feng Shui, Food, Feng Shui and Minerals - I Ching -
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Fengshui Advanced Class (19) Feng Shui, Food, Feng Shui and Minerals

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

In an environment with sufficient sunlight, we must eat starchy foods, but in the current social environment, Dr. Chen Yikui called for eating as little starchy foods as possible, because people did not get the sun. This theory is that Dr. Chen Yikui has been studying Yijing studies since 1956. After learning about it, he discovered it later when he studied the use of food and feng shui to change a person's destiny. Of course, it also involved the fields of physiology and nutrition. After a person eats starch, he generates heat energy and synthesizes glycogen in the liver, fat and cholesterol, respectively. Fat and cholesterol must be converted into vitamin D by sunlight shining on our skin and eyes. The absorption and balance of various minerals, as well as the most important hormones, the hormones of the human body are very important. If the imbalance will lead to terrible consequences, do not know what disease will happen, but now the society form is almost all working indoors. It is rare to get the sun. Like the necessary vitamin D3, it will be lacking. With osteoporosis, unless you use a complete natural food to help transform vitamin D3 in the body, and (Compound vitamin E, comprehensive vitamins, and various trace minerals and spore-type lactic acid bacteria Bacillus coagulans) is. This would not have been the case in the previous agricultural society. Everyone worked in the fields and basked in the sun every day.

The layout of Feng Shui is to choose the south with sufficient sunshine. This is an important concept of Feng Shui. Like the coolies or peasants in the harbor who used to eat starchy rice, because the sun is enough, everyone is still healthy. Today's children are allergic, because of nutritional imbalances, eating too much sugar and not getting the sun. Generally speaking, Feng Shui will not discuss food and sunlight, but it will talk about minerals, and the situation of minerals.

Feng Shui and Minerals

Feng Shui can be related to its ancestors by the combination of mineral organisms and water. The energy generated by the half-life of ancestor bones is radiated from the minerals of local mountain peaks. Can the energy of ancestor bones and the energy produced by the organisms we eat? The coincidence further affects whether one's brain neurons can have a "realization" state.

However, after studying Feng Shui to a certain extent, you will find that there is nothing can do with Feng Shui, so Dr. Chen Yikui advocates that in the future, you should study how to use living beings to adjust themselves to the environment in which they live. The so-called living creatures are to eat natural foods, like natural vitamins. B1 is to use brown rice to extract or eat brown rice to obtain vitamin B1. This is how to change oneself to adapt to the environment.

Seasonal fruits come out to eat a bit of seasonal fruits. Citrus is blooming in the beginning of the spring, and pears are blooming before the Waking of Insects. Because of different flowering time, its photosynthesis is different. In addition, the origin of the fruit is different. The best mandarin orange before the winter solstice is Xinpu mandarin orange. However, a citrus yellow dragon disease that began in 1951 destroyed the mandarin orange in Xinpu. Later, only the pear was successfully grafted. This change is the change in feng shui caused by mineral changes. Researchers did not understand why the mandarin oranges in Xinpu became infected with Huanglong disease a long time later, because the minerals in Xinpu changed at that time, and the clay minerals such as silica and calcium changed too much. It is the root of Xinpu Citrus mandshurica that has been found to be the most suitable host by Huanglong pathogen. This is a species disaster caused by the change in the proportion of minerals. The origin of the mandarin orange is now in Dongshi. In order to ingest the minerals of mandarin orange, it is enough to eat a little bit of mandarin orange. If you want to ingest the minerals of Xinpu, you can eat Xinpu persimmon or persimmon. Dr. Chen Yikui emphasized that you must eat local food from the standpoint of feng shui balance. If you go to Seattle, USA, you must eat local apples. Longan is Chiayi, longan honey and longan are GanSan. Just eat a few in a winter. Longan has its minerals.

Feng Shui is a person who lives in a place and competes with others. He can live better than others. Even if he can't be better than others, at least he must live happily. If people are unhappy, others will hate them. The more unhappy they are, the more people hate them.
