Yang House (6) Feng Shui factions - I Ching -
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Yang House (6) Feng Shui factions

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

Why does Feng Shui produce a lot of factions?

When Fengshui structure went down, there was no atheism, so in the Ming Dynasty, the Buddha was useless at all. The Taoist priests of the Ming Dynasty just buried people, sang folk songs for everyone, the most respectful dance for the dead called Sanxian. There is only one such thing. Gods and ghosts were of no use in the Ming Dynasty, so Buddhism in the Ming Dynasty was not popular. Why? Because after using the Feng Shui theory, everyone is very healthy. If you want to be productive, you will be productive. Then why should I believe what the Buddha is doing, it is useless. Why believe in Buddha? You are in pain, and you can’t get rid of it so you believe in Buddha.

Therefore, in the ten years of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, Matteo Ricci came in and saw that the mission could not go out. Why? You say you are God, what can you do for me? The Chinese are realistic animals. If you are a god, what can you do for me? If you can’t do anything, why should I I believe you! That's why Matteo Ricci lived well with the support of Catholic funds, and combined the spirit of Westernization with Chinese painting. Therefore, Xu Guangqi was curious at that time. Xu Guangqi was the prime minister at the time. The two became good friends. Matteo told him that the true God is God. The word God was borrowed by Matteo because Matteo knew his own. Religion, when your own god can’t spread it, then you must borrow Chinese god.

The Ming Dynasty itself is a very important ritual. On the winter solstice, the emperor must worship the heaven in the Temple of Heaven. The largest master of the sky, the head of the sky is the jade emperor, so Matteo research must be larger than the jade emperor. Xu Guangqi Our God is God. He said it is very simple, the father of the Jade Emperor, so settle God like this. The god of Matteo Ricci became the father of the Jade Emperor we worshiped, so his god will be bigger. How can he testify? Dad is all authoritative. He is very authoritative. Can tell when solar eclipses and lunar eclipses will occur. Because at the time of Liu Bowen's entire Ming dynasty's law, treating the doctor's life as the most important life policy to promote a stable society and health.

If this policy goes on like this, there will be Bu. Bu is predicting the future. Xu Guangqi has also studied Bu very thoroughly. It is strange that according to Matteo Ricci, there will be a solar eclipse and a solar eclipse on that day. He thinks that Matteo Ricci is real, because they think that the god he prophesied is too much, because it is inaccurate. So I have to believe Matteo Ricci. Ricci thinks that the opportunity is coming. He knows that China depends on the five readings to understand the entire stable society. It does not need God. It can exist, so the first thing is to destroy the five readings.

Therefore, during the 29th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, it was a classic of the government. In particular, Feng Shui books burned the most. But fortunately, like Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution, people who knew feng shui were shot all, and burned out in the Wanli 29 years of the Ming Dynasty. Then the feng shui that is left behind has been developed by everyone at the time.

Compass invention

Therefore, the factions of Feng Shui now have Tang, Han, and Ming dynasties, which are not complete and more elite. After they are burned out again, in the era of Chongzhen at the end of the Ming dynasty, there was a call between Shunzhi and Qing Dynasty. Jiang Pingjie (Jiang Dahong), he put Zhu Zi's Yijing theory, including the kind of hexagrams set by Zhu Zi, and put it on the compass. The tool for the entire development of the compass was invented by the Ming Dynasty. We have always emphasized that we spread it to the outside world. The Huangdi era invented the guide car and produced the compass, which was wrong. The real compass was invented by the Ming Dynasty. So why did it go abroad? Matteo Ricci walked the Silk Road with a very famous person and passed it on. The compass was only passed on from the Ming Dynasty.

We invented the compass with a compass car and spread it to Europe during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. No. This is not my research. It is a very famous professor at Cambridge University called Needham, who specializes in Chinese culture. He put forward a lot of evidence, including how the Ming Dynasty evolved the Compass.

The most remarkable discovery of compasses in science and technology tools in the world, including its application, so was the most amazing. Until now, using the theory of compasses, all voyages have covered voyages on earth and voyages to outer space. Coming to sail, sailing is divided into two types, all navigation on the earth must be compass, including ships, aircraft must be compass. However, the entire outer space ship cannot use a compass to navigate. It uses the stars in the sky as its positioning. Nowadays, artificial satellites are very developed. Famous American aircraft can reach altitudes of more than 100,000 feet. When supersonic speeds can be achieved, compasses are not used. They are all navigated by satellites. Now ships are also navigated by satellites, so no compass is needed.

The faction came down this way. Jiang Dahong put the Song Dynasty Zhu Zi's theory on top of the Compass. He wanted to create his theory of a large set of principles. The most remarkable thing was to use the Sanyuan Nine period, which he thought was very ideal. This way of idealization, after this way of spreading ideals, wrote a lot of books, how amazing Feng Shui is.

According to its Gua Yun. Well, after the middle of the Qing Dynasty and after Jiaqing, the most active promotion was Daoguang Year. A lot of promotion was not known to everyone. After this way of promotion, this is a theory and there is actually no operation, but the Chinese advocate what teacher said were absolutely right and could not rebel, so after the decision was made, everyone used the Sanyuan Nine period, including 64 hexagrams and hexagrams to determine all types in the Luo Jing, and then Qing died. You know, is there any feng shui in Taiwan? Taiwan's entire immigrants were in Zheng Chenggong's time, and by then all good books on feng shui were burnt out.

The whole spread is relatively fast. It is really a natural change. The speed of seeking health is relatively slow. If damage is caused, the speed is very fast. It has been widely promoted from the Daoguang years. Then Taiwan introduced it. Taiwan was very popular a long time ago. Feng Shui, the big ternary and the small ternary, in fact use Jiang Pingjie's entire design.

The faction came out, because it ’s really good to understand Feng Shui itself is to create labor and productivity, but using ternary development is to tell you that it has a lot of imagination. I will help you to be a big official, and I will be a Feng Shui division. The two systems that can help you become a big official and help you make a lot of money are completely different. One is abstract. I help you become a big officer and make big money.

When the Ming Dynasty was the most stable, it was said that Feng Shui would promote your health, give you a high labor force, give you a high productivity, this is for you to do, then the defeat in front of this, of course, I mean there is no need to do anything, as long as I pack a red envelope, he can help me to be a big official and make a lot of money. Why should I work so hard,  produce such an education, just invite a Feng Shui teacher.

So with this kind of education, after the Daoguang emerged, the Manchu government ’s government-buying system, how much money I paid, I could buy an official seat, and then how much money came back from corruption. This was a kind of Feng Shui that was very popular at the time. Therefore, when using this kind of education to continue, many people want to be an official, and they will ask a Feng Shui master to handle his entire problem. To deal with this problem, if there is no way to achieve the goal. The Feng Shui master said, After you Feng Shui like this, you must have a god, and then God will bless you again. If it doesn't work anymore, you will lift out Buddhism. Why doesn't Feng Shui work? Because the Dharma is boundless, and because of your previous karma, Feng Shui cannot save you this time. So Feng Shui brought everything in.

When I was doing this research, because I had to do some experiments, I bought a piece of land in Bali. Many people were bragging about feng shui. I asked a few feng shui masters to see if this place was good. They all asked you what you were doing. ? I said that I was going to bury my grandfather, Great-Great-grandfather, because I was rebellious at that time, and I rejected a lot of traditional Chinese concepts, so when the Feng Shui masters came, they said that none of the land was good. I said that since there is nothing, I want to be buried it here, what can you do? Some people ask Guanyin Bodhisattva, some Buddha Sakyamuni, Jizo Bodhisattva, some people draw amulets, and some people ask Jiutian Xuannu. I was thinking, if you are studying Buddhism, does Guan Shiyin know Feng Shui? Did the Buddha and the King of the Tibetan Plateau know about Feng Shui? They didn't understand at all, not even the Jade Emperor. So I made up my mind to spread Feng Shui education, I gave free lectures everywhere, and in the end I did very well, including many experiments.

In the Daoguang years, when developing the tertiary geography method, it seemed that none of the human suffering and the suffering in life could be truly relieved. There was no way to achieve what humans set. Humans only pursued health and produced high labor and productivity. Way to reach this simple state. I didn't expect to end up ruining the family. But we can't contradict what the teacher said is wrong. Then the teacher is right. After the teacher died, the teacher passed on 50 students. Then 50 students taught 250 students. I don’t dare to say that the teacher is wrong, so I ’ve been wrong all the time, but some people, if their knowledge is a little bit higher, know this is wrong, and you go to the teacher to admit that the wrong is right, then this not illogical.
