Yang House (15) Feng Shui Concept - I Ching -
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Yang House (15) Feng Shui Concept

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

The techniques in Chinese reading are very simple, but they just don't tell you. It ’s as simple as you take chopsticks. It ’s not easy to learn chopsticks at the beginning. It ’s very easy if train every day. So the Chinese technique is called JiangHu—the  streets, because you don’t need it in this society. So what do these people need? Painful are needed. Then in the agricultural society, the pain was painful in his home, so these people will use it. Everyone will let everyone know that I am a river warlock. Let your painful people come out to me and see me.

There is a man named Liu E who writes “the travel notes of Lao Can”. He is a traditional Chinese medicine doctor and he uses a bell when he walks where. Dangdang has let everyone know that he is a doctor of rivers and lakes. Using medical expressions, if it is Bu, then the Gua is another way of divining. You must use a bamboo head, hollowed out here, like a wooden fish, and then use a stick and a bucket to place bamboo sticks. This is a divination. So if the warlocks are to succeed, let everyone know that you have to rely on yourself and promote yourself. You didn’t go anywhere to beat gongs and drums. Who will know what you can do? This is to understand.

But why in China's society, the rivers and lakes warlocks are in a very inferior position. In the course of my research, 60 years ago, one who could tell fortunes, one who could see feng shui, and one who could tell hexagrams, had his status. Lower than a school janitor, then, why was that? Because there is no degree, school workers have a degree, graduated from junior high school, or have graduated from high school, this is a degree.

So I worked hard for many years. Just like the traditional Chinese medicine before, Jianghu Warlocks had no status and no degree, so I tried to promote as far as possible, until the final status of traditional Chinese medicine, I was able to participate in public insurance, labor insurance, universal health insurance, and death. Prove that I got all the TCM in place then I quit.

Feng Shui itself is a question of concept. If you were going to learn a Feng Shui in ancient times, it is very simple. Seek a teacher, and follow the teacher's back to look around. After the house is built like this, the door is over there.road against.., the teacher will probably tell you these. And the more internship is that after taking the compass, to read house, like— it is strange that the people who live in this house have lived for about three years. The whole family is about to die. Why? ? After taking a look at the teacher's compass, you will be told that you have committed eight evils. Because it is very fast to commit eight evils, probably a house really commits eight evils. If you have the courage to live for 30 years, then the whole family will become extinct.

Therefore, in Chinese society, what is most feared is extinction, because there is no emergence. Ding is a male and is extinct. Why is it like this? Because it used to be an agricultural society. If there was no Ding in the agricultural society, then you probably have no choice. Now the society is different. Now if the house you live in is not rich, then you have no show. Therefore, in the highest realm of Chinese society before, begging for money and new family members. So now I don’t think Ding needs to be too busy. Too busy is all an unfilial son. Prosperity is probably the most important now. Therefore, the times are different, and you may have to change your ideas.
