The relationship between the fate cycle of Bazi and the environment (3) - I Ching -
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The relationship between the fate cycle of Bazi and the environment (3)

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

The earth branch contains stems songs, Liuhe, solar terms

Earth Branch with Stems Songs

子宮癸水在其中     Zi has Gui water in it

丑癸辛金己土同     Chou hidden with Gui Xin Ji

寅宮甲木兼丙戊     Yin has Jia and Bing Wu

卯木乙木獨豐隆      Mao only with one Yi

辰有乙木與戊癸      Chen has Yi wood and Wu Gui

巳中庚金丙戊從      Si has Geng Bing Wu

午中丁火並己土    Wu Fire has Ding and Ji

未宮乙丁己共中      Wei has Yi Ding Ji together

申為庚金壬水戊      Chen has Geng Ren Wu

酉宮辛字獨相逢      You has single Xin metal

戌宮辛金及丁戊      Xu has Xin Metal Ding and Wu

亥藏壬甲是真踪     Hai has Ren and Jia.


The earth's circumference is evenly distributed in sequence with 30˚ intervals with 12 earth branches, which can be made into a relationship diagram of the earth's six branches (Figure 1).

The Chinese say that the earth's axis and the zodiac are 22.5˚. The study of Western astronomy is at 23˚, the difference between the calculation of the Chinese and the calculation of the modern Westerners was only 0.5˚. In the range of 360˚ of the earth's circumference, the error value is only 1/720, which is quite remarkable. The earth's rotation has centrifugal force (external throwing force) and centripetal force (pulling force) to maintain balance, so that the high-speed rotating earth will not collapse, because the earth needs to rotate 40,000 kilometers in 24 hours to complete a rotation. The pulling force to maintain the balance of the earth is The Liuhe mentioned in the eight characters are Zi Chou, Yin Hai, Mao Xu, Chen You, Shi Shen, and Wu Wei. Qi is the hidden stems of the earth's branch, which are Zi Gui (10), Chou Ji Xin Gui (24), Yin Jia Bing Wu (9), Mao Yi (2), Chen Yi Wu Gui (17), and Si Bing Wu Geng (15), Wu Ding (4), Wei Yi Ding Ji (12), Shen Wu Geng Ren (21), You Xin (8), Xu Ding Xin (17), Hai Jia Wu Ren (15). Stem is expressed in terms of numbers, which are Jia 1, Yi 2, Bing 3, Ding 4, Wu 5, Ji 6, Geng 7,Xin 8, Ren 9, Gui 10.. Zi Hai. Xu You Shen Wei on the left side of the axis. The numbers with stems add up to 83, and the right side of the axis is Chou Yin Mao Chen Si Wu. The numbers with stems add up to 71, 83-71 = 12. The force in the half is greater than on the right, so the kinetic energy moves from west to east to form a rotation, and the sun rises from the east.

Solar terms

The Chinese set a year and a month for each cycle. The Song Dynasty ’s Neo-Confucianism was very developed to create a calendar. They knew how natural phenomena should be combined with the I Ching trigrams to adjust various solar terms. In the Han Dynasty, the solar terms were only spring, summer, autumn and winter. The use error is too large. The Song Dynasty used the solar terms to coordinate with the moon. The "festival" fell from noon on the fifteenth day to the midnight on the sixteenth day of the old calendar. This month is the lunar month of the old calendar. If the Qingming Festival falls on March 15 of the old calendar, this month is leap month, this March is Leap March. In the old calendar, May, June, July, August, and September are very easy to be the leap month, but it is difficult to leap the month in November, December, and January. The half-month of the summer solstice should have fifteen days, and it is fifteen days and eight hours, and some are six hours. The longest month of solar terms from the MongZhong to July 8 is the longest, and there are thirty one days and six hours. This process is very easy to moisturize leap months. For example, July 2007 is Leap July, and Leap month extends the previous month. People who used to calculate Leap month used to come from apprentices. This technique is not outgoing. Keep your own perpetual calendar. Since Dr. Chen Yikui disclosed this method, those people hate Dr. Chen Yikui very much. It is the conclusion that Dr. Chen Yikui slowly obtained from his own statistics.

One of the eight characters must have a sense of qi (heavenly stem). If there is no root, there is no way to catch the qi. There will only be a short-lived appearance. The appearance looks good and there is nothing in reality. It is difficult to succeed.

Spirituality and sensitivity

Whether a person ’s spiritual level is high or low depends on which word is the birthday ’s terrestrial branch. On the compass, the word Qian stands for the sky, and the Xu Qian Hai are connected together, so people with the word “Xu” or “Hai” in the daily branch are particularly spiritual. On the compass, Chen Si represents the wind, so people with daily  branch Chen Si sensitivities are particularly sensitive. This type of person is very suitable for fortune-telling and making money. The things spoken are accurate because the sensitivity is very good. People without these two words should not use fortune telling to make money. Day branch is Xu Hai person who has a strong virtual ability. This kind of person will emotionally feel the same as a monk that no one loves you. There are people in Xu Hai who communicate with God very well. God will tell you anything. Dr. Chen Yikui used to work in Peking University. During the service period, when he met people who were born on Xu day of the eight-character and were poor and had no enough education, Dr. Chen Yikui instructed him to be a shaman. As long as he asked for a god, any god would come. After asking god, what he says all very accurate.
