Bazi case study (98) Bazi and career (22) ~ Xin day Mao month - I Ching -
Word class:

Bazi case study (98) Bazi and career (22) ~ Xin day Mao month

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)


hour day month year

     辛  辛   己   庚

     酉  丑   卯   寅


hour day month year

     己  癸   己  甲

     未  未   巳  午

Question: How do I eat when working together?

Answer: male Xin was born in Mao month and he is not transparent. He is very stubborn. If he is completely obedient to the male, he will not get through, although he has Ji , but very stubborn because of the lack of Bing. The female Gui was born in Si month, and she is also weak and lacks Xin. If two people cooperate, it is okay. The female lacks Xin, the male lacksBing, and the female is born in Si month. Individuals eat complete vitamins and seed oil together, and eat more egg yolks, and health and wealth will be stabilized.

Question: Someone asks whether the fortune of the eight characters depends on each column (16 years per column)? Or is it possible for the big luck cycle for each of ten years?

Answer: If you look at each column, you can't finish it. We used to talk about the four columns. The real fortune telling depends on the luck cycle and fleeting years.
