Eight Trigrams theory, scientific verification - I Ching -
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Eight Trigrams theory, scientific verification

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

       Hexagram divination often has an incredible "spiritual" power. How does this power come from? Does Divination have a scientific basis?

      Chen Yikui, the founder of the "Chinese I Ching College", has accumulated more than 30 years of research on I Ching and has made amazing discoveries. Chen Yikui said: Bu is the experience of human life. The application originated in the Shennong period. Shennong tasted herbs. Relying on the power of induction; the actual operation form and term of "Bu" began in the Shang Dynasty, which can be clearly seen from the tortoise shells and ox bones of the Yin a Shang period in the Palace Museum.

The popping sound of Bu

      Before asking questions, people in the Shang Dynasty would prepare a horn, drill a small hole in the middle of the horn, and roast it in the fire with some kind of appliance. When it burned to boiling point, the hole would make a "pop" sound, and the fat in the bone would crack. The boiling point also stretches the cells of the bones and creates lines on the bones. When burning the fire, the mind is concentrated on the bones, and the waves contained in the bones are induced to the bones, and there will be different patterns. Experienced diviners will know that this pattern is not suitable for the current time and space, if it is suitable for the current time and space or not , If not suitable for the time will consider as bad luck; and if suitable for the present time and space for good luck; induction is an electric wave, and the bone is like a beeper’s machine, which is a medium. Only when it receives the induced electric wave, the numbers will appear.

      During the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period, the princes had their own sides, and the king would question the nation’s fortunes throughout the year. If the pattern revealed was not good, the situation would be unstable, so as to respond as soon as possible. The ones that should be strengthened as soon as possible, let the pain disappear, and let the tribes and tribes maintain Prosperity; Zhou emperor also used “Bu”, used divination to create gods, and used theocratic power as a political restraint. However, when King Zhou came to King Zhou, the use of divination for evil and cruelty caused Zhou Wenwang’s revolution. He also changed the form of divination and used divination. The grass directly interacts with the sky and combines the principle of the crack of the tortoise shell with the Fuxi hexagrams to produce cosmological hexagrams such as "Tian,Ze, Hou, Lei, Feng, Shui Shan and Di", as universal observations; which is the so-called " Qian DUI Li Zhen Xun Kan Gen Kun “ early trigrams, Qian as One; Dui is two; Linis three; Zhen is four; Xun is five; Kan is six; Gen is seven; Kun is eight.

The Evolution of the Six-four hexagram of Zhouyi

      The Zhouyi evolved Bu into eight plus eight to sixty-four hexagrams. The upper Qian and the Qian stem constitute the sky, and the six lines of the hexagram "Qian into the sky" represent different meanings:

On the first ninth, "Don't use the hidden dragon", "first" is the bottom line, and the ninth is a yang line. The dragon means thunder and rumbling. The dragon hidden in the ground cannot be used;

Nine-two, "Seeing the dragon in the field, benefiting the gentleman." Nine is the Yang line. From below, the second line is the Yang line. The field means the earth. The dragon appears on the ground. Although the dragon appears on the ground, it is a metaphor that you must find a great one. Characters can make a difference;

Nine-three,"A gentleman works hard, he is vigilant at night; he is fierce, without blame." A gentleman must work very hard every day to maintain a sense of crisis, and he can avoid disasters;

Nine-four, "Or leap in the abyss, no blame", which means that sometimes it will jump up, sometimes it will still fall into the abyss, but if you keep pursuing moral education, there is nothing wrong with it;

In the Nine-five, "Flying dragons are in the sky, benefiting gentleman", thundering in the empty sky, clouds and rain, benefiting all things, you can see great people and participate in the grand event;

In the last nine "Kanglong has regret", the top line is yang line, too arrogant and masculine, it is easy to fail and lead to regret. The thunderbolt is too high, without igniting water vapor, it is impossible to rain to benefit all beings.

      The upper kun and the lower kun are the earth. The six lines of "kun is the earth" are the sixth-one, the sixth second, the sixth third, the sixth fourth, the sixth five, and the upper sixth. Six is ​​the meaning of the yin line, and each line has a different meaning.

Intensive research on Bu Therapy

      The meaning of questioning is to solve the physical and psychological setbacks that can be used in the process of life. The physiological includes courtship, reproduction, and physical strength; the psychological includes the sense of need, happiness and security. The six major problems that humans face most often in life are parents, brothers, wives, children, grandchildren, and official ghosts, which are the so-called six gods. The six gods are six mental states, not six gods.

      When you figure out what kind of energy you lack, you can replenish the energy you need to achieve your wish. This is exactly the "divine therapy" proposed by Chen Yikui with great concentration in research.

      The form of turf is different according to the changes of the times. In the Spring and Autumn Period of the Zhou Dynasty, some weak and small tribes used stones to ask questions. The American Indians also used rock divination when dealing with affairs. Stone divination evolved into a Taoist throwing cup, so throwing cups is also a way to ask about good and bad luck.

 Developed into plum blossoms readings

      During the Song Dynasty, Neo-Confucianism flourished, and the most famous were Zhu Xi, Shao Kangjie, and Lai Zhide. Shao Kangjie took the natural phenomenon as the motif, and developed the easy number of plum blossoms; Zhu Xi made the Zhouyi a time-space setting for the first time. The beginning of the hexagram of Zhen is set in Zi, the beginning of the hexagram of Xun is in Chou, the beginning of the Kan hexagram is in Yin, and the beginning of the Li hexagram is in Mao, Gen is in Chen, Dui is in Si, Qian is in Wu, Kun is Wei. Yang branch go clockwise from Zi Yin Chen Wu Shen Xu, Yin branch go anti-clockwise Chou Hai You Wei Ji Mao, and later the hexagram interpreters set in the six relatives and six beasts, cooperated with rest of combination, against , enhance, punishment, 12 life cycle, dead and empty..then became 64 hexagram divination.

      For the first time, Laizhide gave a new definition to the thought of Zhouyi, emphasizing the changeable, stable and simple nature of nature.

      However, the Song dynasty paid attention to the exploration of metaphysics and theology due to the vortex, and did not solve the problems of people's livelihood, which led to the tragedy of national subjugation.

Create opportunities first

      The Yuan Dynasty entered the Central Plains. Although it did a great cultural revolution, it was too short a time and was soon replaced by the Ming Dynasty. The founding king of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, was assisted by Liu Bowen and laid down the great world. Liu Bowen used divination and feng shui theories to improve tye physical fitness and life of the army and the people.

      Looking at China's divination pattern for thousands of years, it is nothing more than estimating the arrival of favorable opportunities. When the timing is wrong, it teaches people to be patient, to wait, and even to rely on the secret help of the gods. Chen Yikui puts forward the viewpoint of "waiting is death, and relying is death ". He believes that instead of waiting for the opportunity, it is better to create a favorable opportunity and use divination. This can also be achieved by the way of divination in ancient times. Fortune tellers in ancient times advocated changing luck in twelve years. For example, in the ugly year, it takes children years to succeed, and must endure twelve years of bad luck. Chen Yikui uses artificial prescriptions or food to shorten it drastically. To transform fate for six months, this set of theories is not groundless, and has been confirmed in the most specific and authoritative way in Western science.

 Sugar and trigrams are exactly the same

      In 1923, the American Journal of Biological Chemistry disclosed that scientists around the world discovered that the survival of all animals on the earth is converted into four monosaccharides by the enzymes of eight dextrose and levose in plants: "Don’t D-Psicose”, “D-Fructose”, “D-Sorbose”, and “D-Tagatose” are converted into amino acids that depend on survival .

      After painstaking research, Chen Yikui discovered that these four monosaccharides were converted into twelve amino acids, namely twelve earthly branches, through the action of animal enzymes.

      The eight combinations of left and right sugars in plants are exactly the same as the Chinese gossip theory: dextrose (HCOH) is yang, and left-hand sugar (HOCH) is yin.

Allose of "right-handed, right-handed, right-handed" is Qian Gua, which is heaven;

"Left-handed, right-handed, and right-handed" Altrose (Altrose) is the hexagram of Dui, which is Ze;

 "Glucose" of "right-handed, left-handed, and right-handed" is the Li Gua, which is fire;

"Left-handed, left-handed, right-handed" Mannose (Mannose) is Zhen, it is thunder;

The Guluose of "right-handed, right-handed, left-handed" is the Xun hexagram, which is the wind;

"Left-handed, right-handed, left-handed" Edose (Ldose) is Kan, which is water;

Galactose of "right-handed, left-handed, left-handed" is the hexagram Gen, which is mountain;

Talose of "left-handed, left-handed, and left-handed" is the Kun, which is the earth.

      It can be seen that Chinese trigrams theory is not only metaphysical, but also scientific. Therefore, foreign scientists will continue to confirm our profound knowledge. If we don’t know how to cherish it, and discard it like a mess, it’s really shameful to face the thousands of years of old wisdom of our ancestors.
