Bazi application explanation (61) Zheng Cai, Pian Cai, Zheng Guan, Qi Sha - I Ching -
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Bazi application explanation (61) Zheng Cai, Pian Cai, Zheng Guan, Qi Sha

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

Positive and partial wealth

When Jia met Wu, he was PianCai-partial money. What is partial wealth? High added value, but not a bet.

ZhengCai is generally called the salary class. When doing business, it is called standard business. When you opened a grocery store in the past, you had to have a tobacco and alcohol license. The Taiwan Public Sale Bureau set that no matter how much you sell, only 8% of your profit. They are called Zhengcai. The salaries of our civil servants are also good fortune. Who determines the salaries of civil servants? The examination institute decides a class. You start appointment, recommend appointment, and brief appointment. It has a setting. It is graded from commission one to simple fourteen, divided into fourteen ranks, then set the salary, and add another post to it. Or grants from supervisors or professionals, all of which are considered positive wealth. When you are lucky, although you only receive positive fortune, you receive one or two times more money than others, and you don’t even need money for food.

ZhengGuan, QiSha

What is the real effect of Seven Killings? Power, he has no status, but he has momentum. Does the rogue have any status? But his momentum is greater than you. Looking at the entire history, the history of barnyard officials is most famous in the Qing Dynasty. The dynasty transported things from the south of the Yangtze River to Beijing. In modern history, since the 16th year of Guangxu, there was only one Du Yuesheng in the Qinggang in Shanghai in the Republic of China. It was not only red and purple, but also Black and bright. Seven killings are incredibly good for him. So you have to look at your eight characters or the eight characters of others, the physical strength seven killings strong and rooted, although he does not know a few characters, he can call the wind and the rain.

Officials are generally fame. To have high reputation, you must have righteous officials, and your reputation must be permanent, and you must not harm anyone.
